Samples of Spoken Discourse ‒ French

Teaching Staff: Vyzas Theodoros
Course Code: FR-3000
Gram-Web Code: ΕΡ0303-1
Course Category: Specific Background
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: French / Greek
Semester: 3rd
Total Hours: 1
Erasmus: Not Available
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Short Description:

The course includes the analysis of the structure and choices of speech, the strategy followed by the speaker and the language itself based on audiovisual texts and audio files originating from the French television, radio and the Internet. The aim of the course is to give the opportunity to all students to work with their working language, i.e. French, and produce and understand oral speech. Thus, the students can understand if they are able to continue their studies in Interpreting specialization.

Objectives - Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

  • theoretically approach the basic principles of Discourse Analysis
  • help students familiarise with the particularities and challenges related to the oral speech of the French language
  • help students comprehend oral speech samples of medium difficulty in French
  • assist them with the production of oral speech in a natural and errorless way in French
  • understand if their competence in French oral speech is adequate to follow Interpreting specialization.

 Week 1:

Workshop: presentation of the basic principles of Discourse Analysis, projection of a video and short analysis.


Week 2:

Workshop: continuation of the presentation of the basic principles of Discourse Analysis, projection of a video and analysis. First student assignment handed out: acquiring French nationality (Ι).


Week 3:

Workshop: discussion on the first assignment, development of each group’s argumentation, projection of a video and analysis. Second student assignment handed out: acquiring French nationality (II).


Week 4:

Workshop: discussion on the second assignment, emphasizing on each group’s speech strategies. Projection of a video and analysis. Third student assignment handed out: acquiring French nationality (III).


Week 5:

Workshop: discussion on the third assignment, emphasizing on each group’s speech strategies. Projection of a video and analysis. Fourth student assignment handed out: the position of women in French society, employment and pay (I).


Week 6:

Workshop: discussion on the fourth assignment and analysis of each group’s specific interlocutory style structures. Projection of a video and analysis. Fifth student assignment handed out: the position of women in French society, employment and pay (II).


Week 7:

Workshop: discussion on the fifth assignment, recording each group’s arguments and how these arguments were developed. Listening to an audio file and analysis of the speaker’s speech strategies used. Sixth student assignment handed out: the position of women in French society, employment and pay (III).


Week 8:

Workshop: discussion on the sixth assignment; listening to an audio file and analysis of the prosodic features of the language used by the speaker. Seventh student assignment handed out: the position of immigrants in French society, employment and pay (Ι).


Week 9:

Workshop: discussion on the seventh assignment and projection of a video. Analysis of the morpho-syntactic structures of the speaker’s language that serve his purpose. Eighth student assignment handed out: the position of immigrants in French society, employment and pay (IΙ).


Week 10:

Workshop: discussion on the eighth assignment and analysis of each group’s interlocutory style structures. Projection of a video, highlighting the speaker’s emphatic structures. Ninth student assignment handed out: the position of immigrants in French society, employment and pay (IIΙ).


Week 11:

Workshop: discussion on the ninth assignment. Listening to an audio file containing dialogue and analysis of the speech reception strategies by the participants. Tenth student assignment handed out: French wine - production and consumption (I).


Week 12:

Workshop: discussion on the tenth assignment. Listening to an audio file containing dialogue and analysis of the prosodic features used by the participants therein for achieving their objectives. Eleventh student assignment handed out: French wine - production and consumption (II).


Week 13:

Workshop: discussion on the eleventh assignment. Review of the course and application of the material on an audiovisual and an audio file.

Suggested Bibliography:

Amossy R. (2008). Argumentation et Analyse du discours : perspectives théoriques et découpages disciplinaires. Argumentation et Analyse du Discours 1 [online :]

Kerbrat-Orecchioni, C. (2002). L’énonciation. De la subjectivité dans le langage. Paris: Armand Colin.

Maingueneau D. (éd.) (2005). Analyse du discours. Etats de l’art et perspectives. In Marges Linguistiques. No 9. M.L.M.S. : Saint-Chamas.

Sarfati, G.É. (2005). Éléments d’analyse du discours. Paris: Armand Colin.

Teaching Methods:

DELIVERY: Face to face: The course is one-hour long for each student group and is carried out exclusively in French for the best possible learning outcomes. The first part of the course includes a discussion in the form of a débat on different subjects each week based on the French current affairs or generally the French civilization. The discussion is carried out between two student groups based on whether they agree or disagree with the subject in question. The second part of the course includes the projection of a max. 10-minute video or audio file on the same subject and an analysis. The students have one-week time to work on the subject assigned in each class and are obliged to present relevant information from credible sources.

New Technologies:

Use of ICT in teaching.

Support of the learning process through the Open eClass platform.

Course material upload (notes, lecture slides, exercises, etc.) onto the Open eClass platform.

Evaluation Methods:


1) Each week the students are assessed based on their performance in the class.

2) Υποχρεωτική εργασία εξαμήνου: απομαγνητοφώνηση / καταγραφή ηχητικού υλικού και μελέτη των στρατηγικών των ομιλητών (30%)

2) Compulsory term assignment: transcription of audio material in order to study of speakers' strategies (30%).

3) Final oral exam (70%): students are invited to study an audiovisual file in order to apply the learning material provided throughout the course.

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