Research Programmes

As part of its scientific and research activity, the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting (DFLTI) participates in European and other programmes.

International presence

DFLTI maintains an international presence by being part of international scientific networks.

Learn more about DFLTI's international presence.

DFLTI in research programmes

DFLTI participates in the following research programmes:

Training Action for Legal Practitioners: Language Skills and Translation in EU Competition Law

The project awarded funding by the DG Competition of the European Commission (2016-2018), HT: 4983, under the 2015 call for proposals “Training National Judges in EU Competition Law and Judicial Cooperation between National Judges in Competition Law". The project was developed and implemented by a consortium of five universities: The University of Insubria in Italy, the University of Warsaw in Poland, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Opatija in Croatia, the Ionian University in Greece and the University of Burgos in Spain. It aimed to improve the language skills of legal practitioners in EU Competition Law in order to promote uniform application of EU law and cooperation between Member States. The project consisted of three main stages: Introduction to the latest developments in EU Competition Law, introduction to multilingualism and the need for a multilingual approach to EU competition law and training to improve the language skills of participants in the English legal language.


The projects were funded under the Charles University Minigrants 2021, 2022 and 2023 in the framework of the 4EU+ Alliance and focused on Research and training in institutional translation.


ReTrans Project-Working with Interpreters in Refugee Transit Zones: Capacity building and awareness-raising for higher education contexts is a 3-year project which is funded by the EU. It is coordinated by the University of Wien, while the partner organisations are the Ionian University of Greece, the Univerza v Mariboru of Slovenia, the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Universitat of North Macedonia and the Universität für Weiterbildung Krems of Austria.

The objective of the research project is to raise awareness for the issue of interpreting in a humanitarian and transborder migration context among institutions of higher education and contribute to the proper education and training of interpreters through the development of innovative teaching material.

In particular, the project aims at developing digital educational tools for the design of which the specific needs of all stakeholders in the field are taken into account (i.e. interpreters, institutional representatives, refugees and migrants).

Remote interpreting on

DFLTI is the technical advisor for the Greek Manpower Recruitment Organisation (OAED) in terms of remote interpreting services.

Within the framework of this collaboration, DFLTI is responsible for:

  • OAED employees’ training on fundamental Interpreting principles as well as the specific nature of interpreting for foreign citizens
  • Organising and coordinating the interpreting services offered by 25 DFLTI undergraduates via the online meeting platform

For the very first time, a public entity uses in a structured and consistent way, under scientific supervision, interpreting services for non-Greek-speaking citizens.

Scientific Supervisor: Dr. Stefanos Vlachopoulos, Professor.


The Program’s scope is knowledge management and the translation process from German into European minority languages.

WISSTRANS participants are professors and German-speaking students from five European countries (Denmark, Norway, Latvia, Austria and Greece).

To date, the Program has convened five times (2006, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2014) at DFLTI. In 2013 the Program was carried out with new partners from six European universities (Norway, Germany, Greece, Slovenia, Iceland and Finland).

It has been deemed a model European Program for universities in Norway by the Εrasmus Intensive Program committee at the University of Bergen (Norway).

DFLTI is represented by Dr. Anastasia Parianou, Professor.

Find out more by visiting WISSTRANS' website (in German).

TraMOOC (Horizon2020)

TraMOOC aims at providing reliable machine translation (MT) for Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

The project’s main outcome was an online translation platform, which utilizes a wide set of linguistic infrastructure tools and resources in order to provide accurate and coherent translation to its end users. Being open-source transforms the MOOC translation service into a platform that enables the integration of any machine translation (MT) solution in the educational domain, for any language. It is an open-source service with some premium, for a fee, add-on services.

The service supports 11 target languages, 9 European and 2 BRIC (DE, IT, PT, EL, DU, CS, BG, CR, PL, RU, ZH).

The TraMOOC project begun in February 2015 and concluded its activities in 2018. The total budget of the project is approximately 3M€, partially funded by the European Commission under H2020-ICT-2014/H2020-ICT-2014-1 (Grant Agreement number 644333).

DFLTI was represented by Dr. Vilelmini Sosoni, Associate Professor.

Find out more by visiting TraMOOC's website.

Eurolect Observatory

The project is coordinated and partly financed by the Research Fund of the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation of Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma (UNINT). The objective of the research group is the analysis of the EU varieties of legal language (Eurolects) which have originated and become established within the linguistic dia-systems of some Member States or in parts of them: England (United Kingdom), Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain.

Phase I started in January 2013 and was concluded in December 2016, and Phase II started in 2017 and was recently concluded.

DFLTI was represented by Dr. Sotiris Livas, Professor.

Find out more by visiting Eurolect's website.

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