Scientific collaborations

The DFLTI has signed memoranda of collaboration with international and domestic organizations, unions and universities within the framework of enhancing its extroversion, widening its research activities, and developping stronger links with the industry.

International collaborations

The international collaborations of the DFLTI are the following:


On June 29, 2021, the UNESCO Directorate of Higher Education approved the award of the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage and Cultural Heritage-related Activities to the Ionian University, with Professor Stavros Katsios of the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpretating (DFLTI) and director of the Laboratory of Geocultural Analysis (GeoLab) as chairholder.

The UNESCO-approved Chair is the first in the Ionian Islands, and of particular importance for Corfu as a city inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Chair concerns the study and analysis, the provision of consulting support, the research and the teaching (at undergraduate, postgraduate-doctoral level and lifelong learning) for any kind of threat (such as environmental, economic, criminal, geopolitical, technological, terrorist, etc.). ) for the Cultural Heritage and for any activity related to the Cultural Heritage (such as threats to infrastructure, transport, tourism, etc.).

University of Tirana

The DFLTI and the Department of Greek Language of the University of Tirana signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to promote international cooperation in higher education, research and innovation.

The two Unversities agreed to establish and mutually encourage scientific, technical, and educational relations such as:

  • Student exchange and study abroad programs.
  • Establishment of joint degree programs.
  • Exchange of academic staff members for the purpose of research, teaching and the presentation of special courses in their fields of specialization.
  • Establishment of joint research programs.
  • Collaboration on third party funded educational or economic assistance activities.
  • Exchange of postgraduate students in respect of specific research projects or courses of interest and importance.
  • Exchange of scientific and educational literature produced by either or both of the
    parties, as well as the exchange of materials on the most relevant and topical research by researchers at both Institutions.
  • Organization of conferences, seminars and symposia of mutual interest to the institutions.

Bluefield State College (USA)

In 22 September 2021 the Ionian University signed a memorandum of collaboration with the Bluefield State College, West Virginia, USA.

The memorandum provides for common staff activities, students exchanges, and the setup of seminars and research projects.

The coordinator between the two Universities is the Tenured Assistant Professor Paschalis Nikolaou.

DFLTI for European Terminology (IATE)

Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament within the framework of TermCoord’s University Program.

The Programme aims at enriching the InterArctive Terminology for Europe (IATE) database with Greek, English, German and French terms in various domains, such as Biosciences and Competition Law. Third and fourth-year students participate in this endeavor, which has yielded more than 300 new terms since 2018.

Coordinators for the DFLTI:

Read the official announcement from TermCoord.

Λογότυπο TermCoord

The Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission

The collaboration of the DFLTI with the The Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission started in October 2021.

The collaboration aims at producing terminology databases and glossaries in various scientific fields, enriching the IATE database with new terms, and spotting terminology differences in the translations of texts into the different EU languages.

The coordinator of the collaboration on behalf of the DFLTI is the Tenured Assistant Professor Vilelmini Sosoni.

Visiting Translator Scheme

DFLTI participtes in Visiting Translator Scheme of the General Directorate of the European Commission.

Collaborations with domestic organizations

The DFLTI collaborates with the following domestic organizations:

Hellenic Society for Translation Studies

DFLTI collaborates closely with the Hellenic Society for Translation Studies having already co-organised two Conferences at the Ionian University (Decermber 2016 and June 2023).

Greek Sign Language Interpreters Union

The DFLTI has signed a memorandum of collaboration with the Greek Sign Language Interpreters Union.

Within the framework of this collaboration, the DFLTI will recognize the Greek sign language examinations organized by the Union. At the same time, the DFLTI is planning to introduce sign interpreting in its curriculum.

School of National Defense

The MA Politics, Language and Intercultural Communication (POLICO) of the DFLTI has extended the memorandum of collaboration with the School of National Defense for 3 more years.

Following this memorandum, 5 students of the School of National Defense will continue their studies in POLICO.

Greek Red Cross

Within the framework of their research collaborations, the Ionian University and the DFLTI signed a memorandum of collaboration with the Greek Red Cross in fields of common interest such as teaching, research, and internship for the students of the DFLTI.

The memorandum provides for mutual support for the organization of lectures, seminars, speeches, webinars, the translation and editing of texts, manuals, books, articles, the provision of interpreting services, the production of common educational material, the technical know-how exchange, as well as the organization of conferences and other events.

Updated: 21-01-2024
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