Conferences – Workshops

The Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting (DFLTI) organizes or participates in conferences and workshops relevant to its institutional fields of research.


DFLTI organizes conferences along with other universities, institutions, and bodies relevant to Translation and Interpreting, such as:

2nd Conference for Translation and Interpreting Professionals

DFLTI co-organised the 2nd Conference for Translation and Interpreting Professionals "Are we fit for the future? Translation & Interpreting in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLM)" in cooperation with the Panhellenic Association of Translators (PEM) and the Hellenic Society for Translation Studies in Athens from 20 to 21 October 2023.

The purpose of the Conference was to present:

  • the current situation in the fields of professional translation and interpreting.
  • the methods, practices, and technology needed in Translation and Interpreting today.
  • the added value and contribution of T&I research in modern professional practice and training in these fields.

EM TTI Annual Event

DFLTI co-organisedf the EM TTI Annual Event in Corfu from 11 to 13 July 2022.

International Conference "New Trends in Translation and Technology (NeTTT)"

DFLTI co-organised the International Conference "New Trends in Translation and Technology" (NeTTT) in Rhodes from 4 to 7 July 2022.

The invited speakers were internationally renowned scholars from academia, and professionals from the translation industry and the institutions of the European Union. In particular, Prof. Sharon O'Brien, Professor at Dublin City University, Prof. Sharon O'Brien, Prof. Mikel Forcada, Professor at the Universitat d'Alacant, Marcello Federico, Principal Applied Scientist at AWS AI Labs, Merit-Ene Ilja, Director of Translation at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Translation and Valter Mavrič, Director General of the Directorate-General for Translation, covered in their speeches extremely interesting topics highlighting the crucial role played by translators, as well as developments in AI.

The conference was preceded by a two-day summer school introducing translation professionals to the techniques and best practices of machine translation. This was followed by interesting seminars on 7 July, covering subtitling in the cloud, keystroke capture as part of the translation process and post-editing of machine translated text.

See more on the NeTTT 2022 Conference Website.

International Conference "Ecumenism (and Cosmopolitanism)"

DFLTI co-organised with the Department of Languages, Literature and Culture of the Black Sea Countries of the Democritus University of Thrace, the University of Naples and the University of Cambridge an international conference entitled "Universalities (and Cosmopolitanism)".

The conference was held at the premises of the Department of Languages, Philology and Culture of the Black Sea Countries, Democritus University of Thrace in Komotini from 27 to 29 May 2022.

See more on the Conference website.

International conference “Multilingual theories and practices” (MTP2019)

On May 9-10, 2019, DFLTI and MultiLingNet co-organized the international conference “Multilingual theories and practices” (MTP2019), which was held at the Ionian University in Corfu.

Keynote speakers were:

To learn more, visit the MTP2019 Conference website.

Novel Encounters Literature Festival

On October 18-20, 2017, DFLTI, in collaboration with the Durrell Library of Corfu, organized a Literature festival highlighting the work of 4 Irish and 4 Greek authors. The Festival was held at the Ionian Academy and the Dionysios Solomos Museum in Corfu.

In Novel Encounters:

  • A "Writing and Identity" forum for Greek and Irish authors was created
  • The authors held readings from their work
  • DFLTI students had the opportunity to experience first-hand the translator-author relationship and the lifecycle of a literary translation project
  • A roundtable on Translation as a means of communication took place
  • Translations related to Konstantinos Theotokis (1872-1923) and Theodore Stephanidis (1896-1983), both from Corfu, were presented:

Learn more about the Novel Encounters Literature Festival.

3rd International Conference on "Creative Writing"

On October 6-8, 2017, DFLTI in collaboration with the University of Western Macedonia Postgraduate Program "Creative Writing" and the Joint Postgraduate Program in "Creative Writing" (Hellenic Open University - University of Western Macedonia) organized the 3rd International Conference on "Creative Writing" at Ionian University.

The plenary speakers of the conference were as follows:

  • Dr. Andrew Cowan (Professor of Creative Writing, Director of the Creative Writing Program, School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing, University of East Anglia, UK)
  • Dr. Fiona Sampson (Professor of Poetry and Director of Roehampton Poetry Center, University of Roehampton, London, UK, Editor of Magazine Poem)
  • Dr. Peter Salmon (Author, Tutor of Creative Writing, Former Center Director of the John Osborne/The Hurst Arvon Center)
  • Alin Taşçıyan (Film Critic, President of the International Federation of Film Critics -FIPRESCI-)

To learn more, visit the conference website.

1st Conference for Translation and Interpreting Professionals

On 30 September – 1 October 2017, DFLTI and the Panhellenic Association of Translators (PEM) co-organized the 1st Conference for Translation and Interpreting Professionals in Athens.

The Conference coincided with the celebration of World Translation Day 2017 and its keynote speaker was the 13th President of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), Dr. Henry Liu, who spoke about the present and the future of Translation and Interpreting.

Learn more about the 1st Conference for Translation and Interpreting Professionals.

See all the events organized by DFLTI.

1st International Conference on Tourism and Crime (Yellow Tourism)

On April 27-29, 2017, the Laboratory for Geocultural Analyses (GEOLAB) of DFLTI in collaboration with the Chair of Cruise Management & eTourism of the Bremenhafen University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and the Faculty of Economics of the Ovidius University of Constanta (Romania) organized the 1st International Conference on Tourism and Crime (Yellow Tourism).The main topics of the conference were: crime and tourism, including any form of infringement of the tourist product by criminal acts.

Learn more about the 1st International Conference on Tourism and Crime (Yellow Tourism).

See all the DFLTI organized events.

33rd International Colloquium of Functional Linguistics

On October 11-16, 2010, DFLTI in collaboration with the Société Internationale de Linguistique Fonctionnelle (SILF) organized the 33rd International Colloquium of Functional Linguistics. The Colloquium was held at the Ionian Academy of Corfu, with topics covering:

  • "Linguistics, Translation and Interpreting"
  • "The Dynamics and Change of Syntax"
  • "Personal monemes in the most diverse languages"

Two distinguished Professors, Dr. Georgios Babiniotis (NKUA) and Dr. Brian Joseph (Ohio State University, USA) were the keynote speakers. In addition, on Tuesday, 12 October 2010, an open to the public event titled "Modern Greek Dictionaries and Grammars" took place, where Dr. Georgios Babiniotis, Professor Emeritus of NKUA and Dr. Christos Clairis, Professor Emeritus of Paris Descartes University, Sorbonne share their thoughts on Translation and Intepreting.

Learn more about the 33ο International Colloquium of Functional Linguistics.

All Conferences


Translation and the use of inclusive language in Greek

In 3 December 2021, DFLTI and the DGT Athens Field Office of the European Commission in Greece coorganised coorganised a workshop entitled "Translation and the use of inclusive language in Greek". The workshop was held on Zoom..

The aim of the workshop was to promote the debate on inclusive language with a focus on Greek as well as to provide translators and content creators with the necessary tools and methods to use inclusive language.

Theory and Practice of Intralingual Translation with emphasis on the Greek language

On May 14-15, 2019, DFLTI and the Modern Greek Studies Section of the Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies of Johannes Gutenberg University (Mainz) co-organized a workshop titled "Theory and Practice of Intralingual translation with emphasis on the Greek language" at Ionian University.

The workshop was organized and coordinated by:

Translation and Translation Studies in the Hellenic Community

On December 12, 2016, DFLTI organized in association with the Hellenic Society of Translation Studies (HSTS) the 1st "Young Researchers Day Conference" on the subject of "Translation and Translation Studies in the Hellenic Community". The workshop was held at the Ionian University.

Guest speakers at the conference were:

During the meeting, young researchers from Greek and foreign universities presented their original work. Therefore, many interesting discussions on various scientific issues took place.

The meeting was quite successful, captured the interest of the academic community as a whole and encouraged the attendees coming from other universities to organize the next meeting.

Audio-Visual Translation and access for people with disabilities

On December 12, 2016, DFLTI organized a one-day workshop entitled "Audio-Visual Translation (AVT) and access for people with disabilities" in collaboration with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Translation (DGT) Office of Athens. The workshop was held at the Ionian Academy of Corfu.

Invited speakers were the following internationally renowned researchers:

  • Dr. Jorge Diaz-Cintas, Director of the Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), School of European Languages, Cultures and Societies (SELCS), University College London
  • Dr. Anna Matamala, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Translation and Interpreting at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Dr. Lucile Desblache, Director of the Centre for Research in Translation and Transcultural Studies at the University of Roehampton, Department of Media, Culture and Language of London
  • Dr. Panayota Georgakopoulou, Director of Research and International Development, Deluxe Media

The workgroups were coordinated by:

Lectures of the workgroups were the researchers:

Learn more about the one-day workshop "Audio-Visual Translation and access for people with disabilities".

The workshop material can be accessed on the website of the European Committee. The first part of the workshop was broadcasted via live-streaming on the Ionian University website and is available on the Ionian University’s YouTube Channel.

Training translators: experiences and testimonies

On May 13, 2016, DFLTI organized an event entitled "Training translators: experiences and testimonies" within the framework of the International Literature and Translation Festival during the Thessaloniki International Book Fair (TIBF).

Speakers were:

  • Dr. Panagiotis Kelandrias, Associate Professor at DFLTI
  • Dr. Vilelmini Sosoni, Lecturer at DFLTI
  • Evangelia Liakou (graduate of DFLTI and postgraduate student at DFLTI)
  • Abed Alloush (graduate of DFLTI and postgraduate student at AUTH)

Learn more about the event at TIBF.

Court Interpreting: Practical problems and potential solutions

On February 27, 2015, the Interpreting Specialization organized a roundtable in collaboration with the Corfu Bar Association on the topic of “Court Interpreting: Practical problems and potential solutions”. This event took place at the Corfu Bar Association’s Events Hall at the Corfu courthouse with the following speakers:

  • Dr. Zoi Resta (former member of the DFLTI interpreting teaching staff)
  • Dr. Anastasios Ioannidis (member of the DFLTI interpreting teaching staff)
  • Panagiotis Alevantis (Office Manager of the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission –Athens office–)
  • Marianna Asimakopoulou (Syn-eirmos Social Solidarity NGO-“Babel” Day Center).

Learn more about the Roundtable on Court Interpreting.

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