Technical Translation French ‒ Greek I
Teaching Staff: Vyzas Theodoros
Course Code: TT-5226
Gram-Web Code: ΤΜ3505-1Θ
Course Category: Specialization
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: French / Greek
Semester: 5th΄
Total Hours: 2
Erasmus: Not Available
Introduction to the methodology and practice of translating scientific and technical texts on the basis of internationally established principles. The texts come from the fields of meteorology, climatology, atmospheric physics and biology. Particular emphasis is placed on the proper translation of terms and on developing the student’s skill to accurately transfer the message of the source text into the target text.
The aim of the course is to help students develop the skills needed for successfully meeting, as professionals, the challenges posed by scientific and technical texts from various fields from French to Greek. This general aim encompasses the following specific objectives:
- introduction to the peculiarities of scientific and technical texts;
- introduction to the characteristics of the languages for specific purposes of meteorology, climatology, atmospheric physics and biology;
- familiarisation with both the cultural incompatibilities between the languages involved and their impact on the translation process;
- familiarisation with text typologies which are representative of the translation market for texts of meteorology, climatology, atmospheric physics and biology;
- identifying and resolving translation difficulties and problems, with particular emphasis on terminological aspects and coherent reasoning for translation decisions;
- systematic application of a methodology for analysis, comprehension and translation of texts, which will be readily adapted to the conditions of each translation project and will include the management of documentation aids and related printed and electronic translation tools.
Upon successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
• distinguish and identify scientific and technical terms as well as semantic-conceptual, grammatical and morphosyntactic peculiarities in specialised texts so as to be generally at ease with the written discourse in the two languages involved with respect for the stylistic tradition and the communication conventions applicable to the target culture;
• identify features of French scientific and technical cultures as well as of the wider cultural context in texts of escalating specialization and generally recognize the pragmatic particularities of these texts;
• use printed and online language and translation tools;
• search for, identify and evaluate the relevance and reliability of parallel and comparable texts in the languages involved;
• correct and generally revise his/her translation;
• collaborate on group translation tasks.
Week 1: Introduction to the problematic of technical translation and to the course . Basic principles of terminology. Approach to the fields of meteorology, climatology, atmospheric physics and biology related to the texts to be translated.
Week 2: One-word and multi-word terms. Translational approach to a text of moderate specialization focusing on the greenhouse effect (I).
Week 3: Terms and non-terms. Translational approach to a text of moderate specialization focusing on the greenhouse effect (II).
Week 4: Term and concept (I). Translational approach to a text of moderate specialization focusing on biodiversity (I).
Week 5: Term and concept (II). Translational approach to a text of moderate specialization text focusing on biodiversity (II).
Week 6: Term and concept (III). Translational approach to a text of moderate specialization focusing on renewable energy sources (I).
Week 7: Online language and terminology resources (I). Translational approach to a text of moderate specialization on renewable energy sources (II).
Week 8: Online language and terminology resources (II). Translation approach to a text of moderate specialization on renewable energy sources (III).
Week 9: Online language and terminology resources (III). Translation approach to a highly specialized text on wind farms (I).
Week 10: Sager's Primary and Secondary term formation. Translation approach to a highly specialized text on wind farms (II).
Week 11: Wüster's theory. Translation approach to a highly specialized text on photovoltaic power stations (I).
Week 12: The theory of socioterminology. Translation approach to a highly specialized text on photovoltaic power stations (II).
Week 13: Critical review of previous lessons, and answers to students' questions.
Suggested bibliography:
- Δογορίτη, Ε. & Βυζάς, Θ. (2015). Ειδικές γλώσσες και μετάφραση για επαγγελματικούς σκοπούς. Αξιοποίηση ψηφιακών εργαλείων και γλωσσικών πόρων στη διδασκαλία της γλώσσας ειδικότητας και της εξειδικευμένης μετάφρασης. Αθήνα: Διόνικος.
- Κεντρωτής, Γ. (1996). Θεωρία και Πράξη της Μετάφρασης. Αθήνα: Δίαυλος.
- Κριμπάς, Π. Γ., Λουπάκη, Ε., Πανταζάρα, Μ., & Τζιάφα, Ε. (2023). Ζητήματα ορολογίας στη σύγχρονη μεταφραστική πρακτική: Διεπιστημονικές προσεγγίσεις [Προπτυχιακό εγχειρίδιο]. Κάλλιπος, Ανοικτές Ακαδημαϊκές Εκδόσεις.
- Barbottin, G. (2003). Rédiger des textes techniques et scientifiques en français et en anglais. Insep Consulting.
- Bowker, L. & Pearson, J. (2002). Working with specialized language: a practical guide to using corpora. London: Routledge.
- Byrne, J. (2006). Technical Translation: Usability Strategies for Translating Technical Documentation. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Byrne, J. (2012). Scientific and Technical Translation Explained: A Nuts and Bolts Guide for Beginners. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing.
- Cabré, M. T. (1998). La terminologie: théorie, méthode et applications, Ottawa/Paris: Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa / Armand Colin.
- Durieux, C. (1988). Fondement didactique de la traduction technique. Paris: Didier Erudition, Collection Traductologie n. 3.
- Gambier, Y. & van Doorslaer, L. (2010-2011). Handbook of Translation Studies. Vol. 1, 2. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Gaser, R., Guirado, C. & Rey, J. (Eds.) (2004). Insights into Scientific and Technical Translation. Barcelona: Universidad Pompeu Fabra.
- Gouadec, D. (2010). Translation as a Profession. 2nd ed. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Kočourek, R. (1991). La langue française de la technique et de la science. 2e éd. augmentée. Wiesbaden: Brandstetter Verlag.
- Montalt Resurreció, V. & González Davies, M. (2007). Medical Translation step by step. Manchester, UK / Kinderhook (NY), USA: St. Jerome Publishing.
- Mossop, B. (2014). Revising and Editing for Translators. 3rd ed. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Munday J. (2004). Μεταφραστικές Σπουδές, Αθήνα: Μεταίχμιο.
- Olohan, M. (2016). Scientific and Technical Translation. London: Routledge.
- Rey, A. (1992). La terminologie: noms et notions. Paris: PUF, Coll. Que sais-je? 2e édition.
Related academic journals:
- Ελληνική Εταιρεία Ορολογίας (ΕΛΕΤΟ),
- Cahiers de l’APLIUT,
- Les Cahiers de l’Acedle,
- JosTrans, the Journal of specialized Translation,
- Journal des traducteurs / Translators’ Journal,
- Langages,
- Lingue Culture Mediazioni – Languages Cultures Mediation,
- Linguistica Atlantica,
- LSP – Professional Communication Knowledge Management Cognition,
- Traduction, terminologie, redaction,
Use of ICT.
Support of the learning process through the Open eClass platform.
Course material upload (notes, lecture slides, exercises, etc.) onto the Open eClass platform.
Compulsory semester project: translation of a scientific/technical text and terminology extraction (30%).
At the end of the semester: Written examination on the translation of a scientific/technical text and terminology extraction (70%).
Galinos Building (1st floor)
Corfu, GR-49132
Open to the public:
Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm
Tue, Thu: 11am - 1pm (Erasmus+)