Literary Translation Greek ‒ French I
Teaching Staff: Filias Dimitrios
Course Code: LT-5227
Gram-Web Code: ΛΜ3505-1Ε
Course Category: Specialization
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: French / Greek
Semester: 5th΄
Total Hours: 2
Erasmus: Not Available
The literary abstracts present a gradual degree of difficulty in every semester depending on the choice of both the literary genre and the writer. During this stage, an emphasis is given on both the genre of theatrical play and the novel. Letters as literary genre are also included in the teaching program. The common topic of these sessions is a content unit which starts in October, i.e. at the beginning of the winter semester and continues even during the spring semester, which follows the same objectives and methodological approach.
The course aims at –via a ‘laboratory formed’ approach based on the students’ interactive participation in the area of Literature and the gradual acquaintance of students with Literary translation. This is an undergraduate course which mostly aims at initiating, considering and practicing rather than teaching prepared ‘translation techniques' or application of theories. The students’ acquaintance with the literary translation is accomplished via weekly practical activities based on both long non-translated extracts from French to Greek (and vice versa) and the elaboration process of translated books. Here, of course, the learning outcomes cannot be compared to the ones of translating from French to Greek since, the trainee students are faced with the translation of the Greek language into French, i.e. to their non-native language. What is highlighted from early on is that we do not translate verbatim or necessarily look for correspondences but instead we seek to adapt a Greek text into the ‘French’ cultural context, while respecting the principles of both source and target language. At the end of this academic semester (which is the first of the three semesters offered in the curriculum 'Literary Translation Greek - French'), students will begin to acquire their first skills in translating literary texts from Greek to French ] by focusing on certain kinds and topics of texts (see below “Syllabus”) and they will be able to actively attend the following courses of next semesters The three proposed literary genres (theatrical plays, letters and novel) have the potential to meet all of the above teaching objectives.
Week 1: Introduction - Method - Goals
Week 2: N. Kazantzakis, The Master Builder
Week 3: N. Kazantzakis, The Master Builder
Week 4: N. Kazantzakis, The Master Builder
Week 5: N. Kazantzakis, The Master Builder
Week 6: N. Kazantzakis, Letters to Galatia
Week 7: N. Kazantzakis, Letters to Galatia
Week 8: N. Kazantzakis, Letters to Galatia
Week 9: N. Kazantzakis, Letters to Galatia
Week 10: P. Prevelakis, The Sun of Death
Week 11: P. Prevelakis, The Sun of Death
Week 12: P. Prevelakis, The Sun of Death
Week 13: P. Prevelakis, The Sun of Death
Κεντρωτής, Γ. (2000), Θεωρία και πράξη της μετάφρασης, Αθήνα: Δίαυλος.
Μπατσαλιά, Φ. - Σελλά-Μάζη, Ε. (1997), Γλωσσολογική προσέγγιση στη θεωρία και τη διδακτική της μετάφρασης, Αθήνα: Ελλην.
Georges Mounin (2002), Τα θεωρητικά προβλήματα της μετάφρασης, μετάφραση Ιωάννα Παπασπυρίδου, Αθήνα, εκδ. Τραυλός. ( Μαρία Σιδηροπούλου, ΘΕΑΤΡΙΚΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ ΚΙ ΕΡΡΙΚΟΣ ΜΠΕΛΙΕΣ ). (Όλγα Σελλά, Το θέατρο, η μετάφραση και οι αναγνώσεις της ).
- Face-to-face
- Handouts of abstracts from works of literature taught during the course
- Handouts of “reference texts-introductory texts”
- Greek translations of literary works
- Bibliography
Use of ICT in teaching.
Written exam scheduled during exam period.
Galinos Building (1st floor)
Corfu, GR-49132
+30 26610 87202
Open to the public:
Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm
Tue, Thu: 11am - 1pm (Erasmus+)