Economic-Legal-Social Translation French ‒ Greek III
Teaching Staff: Karlafti-Mouratidi Foteini
Course Code: ET-7226
Gram-Web Code: ΟΜ3508-1Θ
Course Category: Specialization
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: French / Greek
Semester: 7th
Total Hours: 2
Erasmus: Not Available
Texts (level III) are approached, analyzed and translated, such as: texts relating to the structure and operation of the institutions, national and European judicial bodies, texts on the legal and economic status of undertakings, opinions, directives and decisions of European economic and legal issues, EU preliminary rulings and court decisions, texts of contemporary bibliography on economics and law in Europe (17th -21st centuries) and others. Lesson provides additional financial, legal or political terminology.
- Systematic presentation and analysis of economic, legal and political terminology (source language, target language) in order to achieve understanding and consolidation by the students.
- Approach and analysis of special terminology translation difficulties.
- Development of commentary and critical translation skills.
- Developing skills to exploit the total acquired knowledge during the translation work.
- Proper use of specialized dictionaries and reference material
Week 1: Structure and operation of the institutions
Week 2: Structure and operation of the institutions (continued).
Week 3: Enhancing economic policy coordination for competitiveness and convergence.
Week 4: Enhancing economic policy coordination for competitiveness and convergence (continued).
Week 5: Legal and economic status of enterprises
Week 6: Decisions of European Institutions
Week 7: Rules of Procedure of the General Court
Week 8: Rules of Procedure of the General Court (continued).
Week 9: Judgments of European Courts
Week 10: Judicial rulings of European courts (continued).
Week 11: Texts of bibliography on economics and law in Europe (17th -21st c.).
Week 12: Texts of bibliography on economics and law in Europe (17th -21st c.) (continued).
Week 13: Texts of bibliography on economics and law in Europe (17th -21st c.) (continued).
Hiotakis Μ., Dictionnairefrançais-grec/grec-français des termesjuridiques, économiques, commerciaux et U.E., Αθήνα 2000.
Tzanavari Μ.-Goussios Ch., Dictionnaire de termes économiques et politiques grec-français, Θεσσαλονίκη 2015.
Βουγιουλίδου Α., Γαλλοελληνικό και Ελληνογαλλικό Λεξικό Οικονομικών Όρων, Αθήνα 2016.
Face-to-face/ The course takes the form of a laboratory lesson. Continuous dialogue with students to solve the difficult points and ambiguities in the text, clarification of terms, creation of an exemplary axis, final choice. Use of audiovisual material.
Use of I.C.T. in teaching.
Written exams. Students are required to prepare optional weekly work on the terminology or further specific linguistic-translational deepening of the words or phrases of the given texts. Also, translation and commentary work on full-page texts of economic and legal bibliography of Europe (17th -21st centuries) is assigned. In this case, the presentation (ppt) of the essays to the class is mandatory.
Galinos Building (1st floor)
Corfu, GR-49132
+30 26610 87202
Open to the public:
Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm
Tue, Thu: 11am - 1pm (Erasmus+)