Economic-Legal-Social Translation English ‒ Greek I

Teaching Staff: Kozobolis Stavros
Course Code: ET-5216
Gram-Web Code: ΟΜ1505-1Θ
Course Category: Specialization
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: English / Greek
Semester: 5th΄
Total Hours: 2
Erasmus: Not Available

Short Description:

The course aims to introduce students to the translation of economic and legal texts. with a primary focus on UK company law. Theoretical approaches are examined, and particular attention is given to addressing terminology issues (indexing, lack of equivalence, evaluation of sources, etc.).
Students are encouraged to work individually and in groups to develop skills for handling terminology and translation issues and to compile a bilingual glossary of specific terms from the texts that are delivered and discussed in the classroom. 

Objectives - Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • understand basic economic concepts.
  • have sufficient knowledge of the economics in order to be able to translate economic texts professionally.
  • identify, analyse and describe problems arising when translating economic texts and the various strategies available to address them.
  • document their translation choices.
  • become familiar with professional practices and the available online resources and tools.

Week 1: Course introduction and discussion on the objectives and learning outcomes. 

Brief introduction to special language and terminology. Presentation of the glossary template. 1st assignment: Translation of an informative article.

Week 2: Introduction to UK company law. Terminology exercises. Discussion of the 1st assignment.  

Week 3: Introduction to UK company law (continued). Terminology exercises. 2nd assignment: Translation of a tax return extract.

Week 4: Introduction to UK company law (continued). Terminology exercises. Discussion of the 2nd assignment. 3rd assignment: Translation of information text about partnerships. 

Week 5: Introduction to UK company law  (continued). Discussion of the 3rd assignment. Terminology exercises. 

Week 6: Limited companies. 4th assignment: Translation of a text about bonds.

Week 7: Discussion of the 4th assignment. 5th assignment: Translation of a text about shares.

Week 8: Discussion of the 5th assignment. 6th assignment: Translation of a part of a company's articles of association.

Week 9: Discussion of 6th assignment. 7th assignment: Translation of a part of the company's articles of association.

Week 10: Discussion of 7th assignment. 8th assignment: Translation of a part of the company's articles of association.

Week 11: Discussion of 8th assignment. 9th assignment: Translation of a part of the company's articles of association.

Week 12: Something different. Official translations and Apostille.

Week 13: Course summary and final questions. Discussion on exams and evaluation of the course.

Suggested Bibliography:

Κελάνδριας, Παναγιώτης (2007). Η Μετάφραση των Οικονομικών Κειμένων. Μια Λειτουργική προσέγγιση. Αθήνα: Δίαυλος.

Βαλεοντής. Κ.& Κριμπάς, Π. (2014). Νομική Ορολογία/2014 Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη ΑΕΒΕ

Biel, Ł. and Sosoni, V. (eds) (2017) The Translation of Economics and the Economics of Translation. Special Issue of Perspectives: Studies in Translatology.

Melnichuk, M. V., & Osipova, V. M. (2016). The role of background culture and lexical knowledge in economic translation. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education11(7), 2503-2514.

Μεντζελόπουλος, Θ. (2009). Ορολογία και Μετάφραση–Οι μεταφραστικές πρακτικές και η αντιμετώπιση της αγγλικής γλώσσας ως ορολογικής lingua franca στις Οικονομικές επιστήμες. In Αθήνα. Από http://www. eleto. gr/download/Conferences/7th% 20Conference/7th_33-06-MentzelopoulosThanos_Paper_V04. pdf, προσπελάστηκε στις (Vol. 6, No. 11, p. 2019).

Παριανού, Α., & Κελάνδριας, Π. Ι. 25. Ειδικές γλώσσες της σύγχρονης εποχής-Η επιρροή της αγγλικής στην ελληνική.

Parianou, Anastasia (2009). Translating from Major into Minor Languages. Αθήνα: Δίαυλος.

Zaykova, I., & Shilnikova, I. (2019). Economic Translation: Theoretical and Practical Issues. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 69). EDP Sciences.

Teaching Methods:

The course is structured as a lecture-workshop. It is based on the active dialogue with students, their participation and feedback. Basic concepts of economics are covered and training in the translation of various economic texts with reference to theory is conducted.

Evaluation Methods:

Evaluation is based on a final written examination, i.e. translation from English to Greek of a 300-word financial text and commentary on specific translation problems. The use of monolingual, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries, as well as specialised and general dictionaries is permitted. Notes are not allowed.

Participation of students in the class and completion of the translations assigned throughut the semester also contribute to the final score.

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