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An open lecture by Assistant Professor Ioannis Karras at the University of Cyprus
Posted: 16-11-2016 15:27 | Views: 1256
Important Date: 16-11-2016
Assistant Professor Ioannis Karras delivered a series of lectures entitled “Intercultural approaches to the teaching of EFL” within the framework of Erasmus+ mobility at the University of Cyprus (English Studies Department). The lectures were given to the Undergraduate and Postgraduate program (8-11 November, 2016).
Ceremony review of Titos Patrikios' proclamation as an honorary doctorate of the Ionian University
Posted: 10-11-2016 13:11 | Views: 8759
Ιnternational conference "Spielräume der Übersetzung" in Rome
Posted: 02-11-2016 15:34 | Views: 1055
Important Date: 02-11-2016
In October 21st-27th, 2016, Anastasia Parianou, Associate Professor of DFLTI, in cooperation with Østfold University College organised the international conference "Spielräume der Übersetzung" in Rome, in which she presented her paper.
38th International Conference of Functional Linguistics
Posted: 26-10-2016 15:45 | Views: 1062
Important Date: 26-10-2016
Assistant Professors Maria Tsigou and Sotirios Livas participated in the 38th International Conference of Functional Linguistics (Université de La Rochelle, France, 17-21 October 2016). They presented a paper entitled "La Charte Européenne pour les langues régionales et minoritaires d’un point de vue linguistique et juridique" (The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages from a linguistic and legal point of view).
Participation of Associate Professor Anastasia Parianou in the European Programme MUST
Posted: 03-10-2016 15:48 | Views: 998
Important Date: 03-10-2016
Anastasia Parianou, Associate Professor of DFLTI, took part in the European Programme MUST (MUltilingual Student Translation corpus), which was activated in 2016, under the supervision of the Centre for English Corpus Linguistics of the Université catholique de Louvain, in Belgium.
1st Conference for Young Investigators on Translation
Posted: 25-07-2016 16:12 | Updated: 21-09-2016 16:39 | Views: 13178
Important Date: 03-12-2016
Book publishing for Associate Professor Anastasia Parianou
Posted: 19-09-2016 15:59 | Views: 985
Important Date: 19-09-2016
In September 2016, the book by Anastasia Parianou, Associate Professor of DLFTI, entitled "Risikokommunikation und Übersetzen – Das Beispiel der Instruktionstexte" was published by DIAVLOS Publications.
Paper publishing for Assistant Professor Ioannis Karras
Posted: 15-09-2016 16:02 | Views: 992
Important Date: 15-09-2016
Assistant Professor Ioannis Karras published a paper entitled "A Genre Analysis of Luxury Hotel Brochures" in an edited volume by M, Grygiel and M. Rzepecka (Eds.), Specialist Communication in Education, Translation and Linguistics. Rzeszów, Wydawnistwo UR.
Book publishing for Associate Professor Panayotis Kelandrias
Posted: 14-09-2016 15:55 | Views: 961
Important Date: 14-09-2016
In September 2016, a book by Panayotis Kelandrias, Associate Professor of DLFTI, entitled Functional Didactics of Translation was published by DIAVLOS Publications.
Publication of the volume Language and Nation
Posted: 12-09-2016 13:33 | Views: 6459
Important Date: 12-09-2016
In September 2016 the international collective volume entitled "Language and Nation Crossroads and Connections" was published by Waxmann Publishing GmbH which has been edited by Anastasia Parianou, Associate Professor of DFLTI, along with Guri Ellen Barstad, Arnstein Hjelde, Sigmund Kvam and John Todd. Dr. Parianou has also contributed with her article "Nation, Translation und kleine Sprachen".
SimUnesCO 2016 [25-28/8/16]
Posted: 25-07-2016 11:47 | Views: 6923
Start: 25-08-2016 |End: 28-08-2016
Translated Poetry Award for Professor Yorgos Kentrotis
Posted: 13-06-2016 16:05 | Views: 1367
Important Date: 13-06-2016
On the 6th of June, DFLTI professor G. Kentrotis received the “Aris Alexandrou - Translated Poetry Award” for his book, a translation of poems by Bertolt Brecht, titled “This Babylonian confusion of words” (Athens: Gutenberg, 2014).
Speech by Christos Klairis [7/6/16]
Posted: 06-06-2016 11:56 | Views: 3833
Important Date: 07-06-2016
Speech of Monika Kopytowska [24/5/16]
Posted: 23-05-2016 12:30 | Views: 3627
Important Date: 24-05-2016
Speech on «Cyberhate and othering: constructing refugee crisis» [24/5/16]
Posted: 20-05-2016 11:51 | Views: 4455
Important Date: 24-05-2016
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Galinos Building (1st floor)
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Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm
Tue, Thu: 11am - 1pm (Erasmus+)