New book with coediting by Dr. Elena Avramidou: How do Chinese Think?, Simplemente Editores, 2025
Posted: 16-03-2025 17:58 | Views: 1016
How do Chinese think?China is the cradle of a great civilization with a spectacular rise as a global economic power in the recent decades. Hundreds of millions of people have benefitted from its remarkable development success, and its preparedness for world leadership in the AI field is impressive. However, China remains an uncharted territory for many people and often seems incomprehensible to (...)
UNESCO Courier, Issue March 2022 - Translation: From one world to the other
Posted: 10-04-2022 01:52 | Views: 5436
Start: 10-04-2022 |End: 30-04-2022
What does it really mean to translate? Translation is often the essential prerequisite for accessing a universal, multiple, diverse culture. In our latest issue, we explore what this really entails.
Language and Law - The role of Language and Translation in EU Competition Law
Posted: 13-11-2018 11:14 | Views: 4747
The result of the collaboration between the universities: Università degli Studi dell' Insubria, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Ionian University, University of Rijeka-Jean Monnet Inter- University Center of Excellence Opatija and Universidad de Burgos
"YELLOW TOURISM Crime and Corruption in the Holiday Sector", Springer International Publishing
Posted: 05-09-2018 17:03 | Views: 4573
The Βοοκ "YELLOW TOURISM Crime and Corruption in the Holiday Sector" published by Springer International Publishing, is a follow-up to the 1st International Conference on" Yellow Tourism "(Tourism and Crime) organized by the Ionian University (Ionian Academy) April 27-29, 2017, addressing every form of threat and challenge to the tourist product from criminal activities.
Publication of the volume Language and Nation
Posted: 12-09-2016 13:33 | Views: 6515
Important Date: 12-09-2016
In September 2016 the international collective volume entitled "Language and Nation Crossroads and Connections" was published by Waxmann Publishing GmbH which has been edited by Anastasia Parianou, Associate Professor of DFLTI, along with Guri Ellen Barstad, Arnstein Hjelde, Sigmund Kvam and John Todd. Dr. Parianou has also contributed with her article "Nation, Translation und kleine Sprachen".
Narratives of Risk: Interdisciplinary Studies
Posted: 10-01-2013 10:24 | Views: 4583
The anthology entitled Narratives of Risk: Interdisciplinary Studies ‒ Narrative des Risikos. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge was co-edited by Anastasia Parianou, Associate Professor at the Ionian University, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting (DFLTI), and academics from the Østfold University College (Norway). It was published by Waxmann (Münster/Germany) in December (...)
Publication of Vicennial Celebratory Volume
Posted: 31-01-2007 22:30 | Views: 4924
... by the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting of the Ionian University to celebrate its twentieth anniversary.
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