Documentation methods in modern political, economic, and cultural Albanian issues
Teaching Staff: Bobolis Petros
Course Code: SM-0503
Gram-Web Code: ΓΠ0860
Course Type: Seminar
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: Greek
Semester: Any Winter
Total Hours: 2
Erasmus: Not Available
The seminar is intended to teach the methods of documentation: search, analysis and synthesis of data and information along with the use of modern technology. |
Upon the completion of the seminar the following aims will be completed:
-Familiarization of the students with the concept of documentation -Familiarization with the search of information -Familiarization with the analysis and synthesis of data -Familiarization with the use of modern technologies -Experience concerning the creation of small theme centres of documentation regarding modern issues in Albania.
Week 1: Theory regarding the science of documentation
Week 2: Theory regarding the science of documentation
Week 3: Theory regarding the science of documentation
Week 4: Theory regarding the science of documentation
Week 5: Division into groups and selection of search topic
Week 6: Visit to the library of I.U
Week 7: Visit to the computer lab
Week 8: Data search
Week 9: Data search
Week 10: Data search
Week 11: Material collection
Week 12: Archiving of data and information by subject.
Week 13: Archiving of data and information by subject
-M.Buckland,Θεωρίαεγγράφων,,2018 -Μια εισαγωγή της επιστήμης: Επιστημονική σκέψη και επιστημονική μέθοδος, Steven D. Schafersman. -Ανάλυση και σύνθεση: Περί της επιστημονικής μεθόδου βάσει μιας μελέτης του Bernhard Riemann. -Jevons, William Stanley, The Principles of Science, (Reprinted by Dover, 1958).
-Miranda Vickers,Οι Αλβανοί, Εκδόσεις ΟΔΥΣΣΕΑΣ ,Αθήνα 1997 -Fischer ,B.J, King Zog and the struggle for stability in Albania, New York 1984 -Κόντης Βασίλειος, Ελλάδα και Αλβανία 1908-1914,ΙΜΧΑ,Θεσσαλονίκη 1976 -Pipa Arshi ,The politics of language in socialist Albania, New York 1989 -Pollo St. and Puto Arb. ,The history of Albania, London 1981 -Skendi Stavro, The Albanian national awakening, Princeton ,NJ, 1967
Face to face/ The seminar has the form of a lecture/laboratory. It is largely based on dialogue with the students and on the search of data and information. Laboratory exercises feature practical aspects of issues that are covered and described in theory. |
Use of ICT in teaching
Laboratory project
Galinos Building (1st floor)
Corfu, GR-49132
Open to the public:
Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm
Tue, Thu: 11am - 1pm (Erasmus+)