Economic-Legal-Social Translation French ‒ Greek I

Teaching Staff: Samaltanos Andreas Nikolaos
Course Code: ET-5226
Gram-Web Code: ΟΜ3505-1Θ
Course Category: Specialization
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: French / Greek
Semester: 5th΄
Total Hours: 2
Erasmus: Not Available

Short Description:

In this course, students are involved in the translation of legal and political texts relating to French state institutions, European integration, international law, etc.

Objectives - Learning Outcomes:
  • Developing the capacity to recognize the communication conditions governing the production of legal and political texts and their translation
  • Cultivation of the ability to recognize the different types of legal-political texts and their translation based on the language-equivalent production norms of such texts
  • Cultivating terminology management capability
  • To increase the capacity to carry out effective documentary research to translate legal and political texts
  • Cultivating the ability to analyze legal and political texts for the purpose of their translation.
  • Growing capacity to exploit interpersonal phenomena for translation of texts of legal and political content
  • Growing the capacity to use the comparative method for translation of legal and political texts
  • Growing the ability to evaluate translations of legal and political texts

Week 1: Presentation of basic concepts and sources of documentation

Week 2: Presentation of basic concepts and sources of documentation

Week 3: Analysis and translation of legal text

Week 4: Correction of translation done at home and error analysis.

Week 5: Analysis and translation of legal text

Week 6: Correction of translation done at home and error analysis.

Week 7: Analysis and translation of a legal text

Week 8: Correction of translation done at home and error analysis.

Week 9: Analysis and translation of legal text

Week 10: Correction of translation done at home and error analysis.

Week 11: Analysis and translation of legal text

Week 12: Correction of translation done at home and error analysis.

Week 13: Analysis and translation of a legal text

Suggested Bibliography:
  • Académie française, 2012, Vocabulaire de l’économie et des finances Termes, expressions et définitions publiés au Journal officiel
  • Association Henri Capitant, Gérard Cornu. 2024. Vocabulaire juridique, Paris, PUF.
  • Claude Bocquet, (2008), La traduction juridique, De Boeck. Franck Barbin, Sylvie Monjean-Decaudin, (2019)
  • La Traduction Juridique Et Economique : Aspects Théoriques Et Pratiques, Classiques Garnier.
  • E. Loupaki, (2018), "EU Legal Language and Translation. Dehumanizing the Refugee Crisis".
  • Marie-Eve Chevalier, (2010), Traduction de correspondance d'affaires, Logitell Éditions.
  • Ministère de l'économie des finances et de la souveraineté Industrielle et numérique, 2024. Dico de l'éco.
  • Ανδρέας Νικόλαος Σαμαλτάνος, (2024), Μετάφραση Ιστορικών Διπλωματικών κειμένων, Étude de cas:  « Greece before the peace congress of 1919 A memorandum dealing with the rights of Greece” του Ε. Βενιζέλου”. Εκδόσεις Βερενίκη.
  • Μιχάλης Φεφές, (2016), Εισαγωγή στο δίκαιο, Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη.
  • Π.  Μάλιακας (2007). Γαλλοελληνικό λεξικό νομικών όρων και εκφράσεων, Εκδοσεις Μάλιακας. 
    Π. Φίλιος, (2012),  Εισαγωγή στο δίκαιο, Εκδόσεις Σάκκουλα.
  • Συλλογικό, (2020), Γαλλο-Ελληνικό / Ελληνο-Γαλλικό Λεξικό Νομικών Όρων - Français-Grec / Grec-Français Dictionnaire Juridique, Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη.
  • Συλλογικό, (2022), Γαλλοελληνικό Λεξικό Οικονομικών & Νομικών Όρων, Εκδότης: Σταφυλίδης.
  • Τμήμα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας της Γενικής Διεύθυνσης Μετάφρασης της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, 2021. Οδηγός για τη σύνταξη, τη μετάφραση και την αναθεώρηση των νομικών πράξεων και των λοιπών εγγράφων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στα Ελληνικά
Teaching Methods:

As part of this course, students learn how to use special Internet tools such as IATE, Eur-Lex, etc., as well as navigate on French sites rich in information materials such as those of the National Assembly, the Senate, Legifrance et al.
Also, through special exercises, students are familiarized with identifying online legal and political texts from which they are asked to translate an excerpt.

New Technologies:

From the first lesson students are trained in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) useful for the production of translations and electronic communication. Special emphasis is given to the utilization of applications for the production and sharing of documents, video communication, organization and planning of works, etc.

Evaluation Methods:

At the end of the semester:

Students are required to translate into Greek a French Economic or Legal or Political or Administrative text of approximately 300-400 words according to specific translation guidelines.

The translation will be assessed on the basis of the coherence and consistency of the text and the management of cultural elements where appropriate.

The use of any printed aid or dictionary is permitted during the examination.

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