Germany: Civilization and Culture
Teaching Staff: Vlachopoulos Stefanos
Course Code: DE-3100
Gram-Web Code: ΧΠ0201
Course Category: General Background
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: German / Greek
Semester: 3rd
Total Hours: 2
Erasmus: Not Available
• Recognize the elements that constitute identity in the germanophone areas. • Distinguish the elements that make up the multiculturalism of the German-speaking communities. • Raise awareness on the social, political and cultural life of the French-speaking world. • Appreciate the linguistic diversity and peculiarities of the German-speaking world. • Recognize the common elements and differences of individual German-speaking societies. • Comprehend the cultural alterity between different ethnic groups. • Compare habits of people with different national and cultural identities. • Discover common perceptions, actions and attitudes between German-speaking and non-German-speaking societies. • Distinguish socio-cultural influences from one country to another (from the germanophone to the non-germanophone world. |
The course aims to familiarize students with contemporary German-speaking culture and contemporary German-speaking societies. Teaching is done through texts reflecting contemporary life and trends (newspaper articles, excerpts of books, etc.). |
The syllabus in detail: 1) History of German-speaking populations 1. 2) History of German-speaking populations 2. 3) Geographical data and administrative divisions of German-speaking countries 1. 4) Geographical data and administrative divisions of German-speaking countries 2. 5) Modern political history of German-speaking countries. 6) Germany - Politics today (constitution, administrative organization, alliances, education systems, etc.). 7) Economy (e.g. theWirtschaftswunder after the Second World War). 8) Society (education system, social security system, labor movement, citizens' rights and obligations, economic migrants, tourism, gastronomy, etc.). 9) Culture (visual arts, cinema, music, theater). 10) Daily life in Germany. 11) Media in German-speaking countries (printed and electronic press). 12) Media in German-speaking countries (television and radio). 13) Project presentations.
- Assmann, A. (2008). Einführung in die Kulturwissenschaft. Grundbegriffe, Themen, Fragestellungen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 13-17.
- Behal-Thomsen, H., Lundquist-Mog, A. &Mog, P. (1993). TypischDeutsch?Berlin: Langenscheidt.
- Biechele, M. &Padrós, A. (2003). Didaktik der Landeskunde. München: Langenscheidt 11 (Fernstudieneinheit 31).
- Birk, A. (2009). Die Erinnerung der Anderen. Das Thema des Mauerfalls im interkulturell verstandenen Landeskundeunterricht. In: dafwerkstatt 13/14, 20-31.
- Gibson, R. (1994). "The Intercultural Dimension: hidden differences between British culture and other cultures". In: Fremdsprachenunterricht, 127-129.
- Hofstede, G. (1991). Cultures and Organizations. Intercultural Cooperation and Its Importance for Survival. London: HarperCollinsPublishers.
- Hofstede, G. (1997). Lokales Denken, Globales Handeln. Kulturen, Zusammenarbeit und Management. München: dtv.
- Holzapfel, S. (1999). EinverstehensorientiertesKonzept. Hamburg: Kovač.
- Luscher, R. (2005). LandeskundeDeutschland. München: Verlagfür Deutsch.
- Mog, P. & Althaus, H. J. (Hrsg.) (1992). Die Deutschen in ihrer Welt. TübingerModelleinerintegrativenLandeskunde. Berlinu.a.: Langenscheidt.
- Veeck, R. &Linsmayer, L. (2007). Geschichte und Konzepte der Landeskunde. In: Helbig, G. (Hrsg.). Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Ein internationales Handbuch. Band 2. Berlinu.a.: de Gruyter, 1160-1168.
- Zeuner, U. (2001). LandeskundeundinterkulturellesLernen. Eine Einführung. In:
Face to face
ICT tools
I. Written final examination (70%) comprising: - Multiple choice questions - Short answer questions - Open-ended questions II. Presentation of individual / group project (30%). |
Galinos Building (1st floor)
Corfu, GR-49132
Open to the public:
Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm
Tue, Thu: 11am - 1pm (Erasmus+)