Speech on «Cyberhate and othering: constructing refugee crisis» [24/5/16]
Posted: 20-05-2016 11:51 | Views: 4459
Important Date: 24-05-2016
Training translators: experience and testimonies
Posted: 16-05-2016 14:31 | Views: 1926
Important Date: 16-05-2016
Panayotis Kelandrias, Asscociate Professor of DFLTI, and Vilelmini Sosoni, Lecturer of DFLTI, represented the Department at the 13th Thessaloniki Book Fair (12-15 May 2016) by organising a Round Table titled "Training translators: experience and testimonies" within the framework of the "Haunt of Translation".
Educating translators: experiences and testimonies
Posted: 09-05-2016 12:54 | Views: 6602
Important Date: 13-05-2016
Comics Translation Workshop [19/05/16]
Posted: 26-04-2016 12:39 | Views: 5939
Important Date: 19-05-2016
Presentation of the book “The New Science” of Giambattista Vico translated by Professor G. Kentrotis
Posted: 14-04-2016 14:45 | Views: 1261
Important Date: 14-04-2016
On 12/4/2016 at the central library of the Ionian University, took place a presentation of the book “The New Science” of Giambattista Vico translated by Professor G. Kentrotis.
Presentation of Giambattista's Vico book translated by G. Kentrotis [12/5/16]
Posted: 07-04-2016 12:05 | Updated: 07-04-2016 19:05 | Views: 4189
Important Date: 12-04-2016
Μichalis Politis as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference for French language
Posted: 31-03-2016 14:13 | Views: 4412
Start: 31-03-2016 |End: 15-05-2016
Corfu: Reading Marathon for the Francophonie [19/03/16]
Posted: 17-03-2016 11:49 | Views: 3477
Important Date: 19-03-2016
Lecture on: "Linguistic pluralism and human rights crisis in Europe" [8/3/16]
Posted: 04-03-2016 12:18 | Views: 5346
Important Date: 08-03-2016
On 8/3/2016, Assistant Professors Maria Tsigou and Sotirios Livas gave a lecture titled “Linguistic pluralism and human rights in crisis-ridden Europe” at the Solomos Museum, Corfu, within the framework of collaboration between the Laboratory for Language and Politics of DFLTI and the Society for Corfiot Studies.
Presentation “AVT and Accessibility of People with Disabilities into Audiovisual material: SDH and AD”
Posted: 08-10-2015 14:50 | Views: 1241
Important Date: 08-10-2015
On 5/10/2015 Vilelmini Sosoni, Lecturer, DFLTI, and Ismini Karantzi, postgraduate student of the Postgraduate Studies Programme “Translation Science”, held a presentation titled “AVT and Accessibility of People with Disabilities into Audiovisual material: SDH and AD”.
Lecture by Vilelmini Sosoni at the the Department of Classical Studies, Boston University
Posted: 29-04-2015 14:51 | Views: 1208
Important Date: 29-04-2015
On 27/4/2015 Vilelmini Sosoni, Lecturer, DFLTI, was invited to give a lecture to students of the Modern Greek Language Program of the Department of Classical Studies, Boston University, titled “Translation is the Language of Europe: The EU, its Policy of Multilingualism and its Implications for Translation”.
A presentation - discussion on the topic of: “Court Interpreting: Practical problems and potential solutions”
Posted: 02-03-2015 14:53 | Views: 2098
Important Date: 02-03-2015
The DFLTI Interpreting Studies sector organized on 27/2/2015 a presentation-discussion in collaboration with the Corfu Bar Association on the topic of “Court Interpreting: Practical problems and potential solutions” with speakers: Zoi Resta and Anastasios Ioannidis, members of the DFLTI interpreting teaching staff, Panagiotis Alevantis, Head of Representation, European Commission Representation in Greece, and Marianna Asimakopoulou, Syn-eirmos Social Solidarity NGO-“Babel” Day Center. The presentation-discussion took place at the Function Hall of the Corfu Bar Association at the Corfu courthouse.
Lecture: «Translating for Europe and the future of linguistic professions» [27/2/15]
Posted: 25-02-2015 12:06 | Views: 2779
Important Date: 27-02-2015
Presentation of the translated book of Bertolt Brecht
Posted: 18-02-2015 14:54 | Views: 1174
Important Date: 18-02-2015
On 16/2/2015, at the function hall of the Public Library of Corfu, professor G. Kentrotis presented his translation of 500 poems by Bertolt Brecht titled “This Babylonian confusion of words and 499 other poems”.
The Greek Crisis Multilingual Term Project - GCMTP
Posted: 17-02-2015 16:26 | Views: 3364
Important Date: 25-02-2015
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Galinos Building (1st floor)
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Tue, Thu: 11am - 1pm (Erasmus+)