General Announcements
International distinction for the DFLTI Interpreting Studies sector
Posted: 06-09-2017 10:41 | Views: 5524
Important Date: 06-09-2017
Zoi Resta, member of the Interpretating Studies teaching staff at DFLTI, represented the Panhellenic Association of Professional Translators Graduates of the Ionian University (PEEMPIP) and received the 2017 FIT Prize for Interpreting Excellence in a special ceremony held in Brisbane, Australia as part of the 2017 FIT Congress.
Corfu Summer School on European Business Law [24-28/7/2017]
Posted: 15-06-2017 11:47 | Updated: 17-06-2017 12:21 | Views: 8039
Start: 24-07-2017 |End: 28-07-2017
Presentation for Nikos' Papadimitriou book
Posted: 07-06-2017 15:09 | Views: 1380
Important Date: 07-06-2017
On the 31st of May 2017, the new book of Nikos Papadimitriou, Associate Professor at DFLTI, entitled "A Postmodern Requiem - Issues of European Philosophy, Art and Politics in the 21st Century" (Athens, Gutenberg) was presented by Joseph Papadatos, Deputy Rector of the Ionian University and Professor at the Department of Music Studies in Corfu, Greece and by Nasos Martinos, litterateur and psychiatrist from Corfu.
Yorgos Kentrotis wins the "Giorgos Seferis" award
Posted: 25-05-2017 15:12 | Views: 11143
Important Date: 25-05-2017
On May 20th, 2017, Professor Yorgos Kentrotis was honoured with the first prize of the 1st International Poetry Contest "Giorgos Seferis" for his poem entitled "Dionysios Solomos annotates and comments as he translates the Aria of Pietro Metastasio". The award ceremony took place in the Sala delle Capriate of Palazzo Steri in Piazza Marina, Palermo, Italy.
Ennemis de sang - Arkas' theatrical play "Bloody Counter-parts" translated in French
Posted: 24-05-2017 15:14 | Views: 4008
Important Date: 24-05-2017
• In May 2017, the theatrical play entitled "Bloody Counter-parts", written by the Greek sketch artist Arkás and translated into French by Dimitrios Filias, Associate Professor at DFLTI, was published by Grigoris Publications. The play is the inaugural publication of the brand new book series called “Modern Greek Literature Translated”, the scientific coordinator of which is Professor Filias.
Anastasia's Parianou paper in an edited volume by M. Calderón Tichy, R. Heuberger & E. Chamson
Posted: 19-04-2017 15:18 | Views: 1062
Important Date: 19-04-2017
Associate Professor Anastasia Parianou published a paper entitled "Risikokommunikation und Translation leicht gemacht – oder: von der Pythia zur Risikoempathie" (Risk communication and translation made easy – or: from Pythia to risk empathy) in an edited volume by M. Calderón Tichy, R. Heuberger & E. Chamson (Eds.) (2017), Gesundheit & Sprache / Health & Language, Series: InnTrans. Innsbrucker Beiträge zu Sprache, Kultur und Translation. New York; Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Τextanalyse und Translation Seminar
Posted: 10-04-2017 15:06 | Views: 8104
Important Date: 10-04-2017
Dr Anastasia Parianou, Professor at DFLTI, and Dr Sigmund Kvam, Professor at the Østfold University College in Norway, led a seminar entitled 'Textanalyse und Translation' (Text analysis and Translation).The seminar was held between the 3rd and 6th April 2017 at DFLTI, in which the German-speaking students of the DFLTI took part.
The Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting Department at PACTE
Posted: 22-03-2017 11:54 | Views: 7681
Important Date: 22-03-2017
Panayotis Kelandrias and Anastasia Parianou, Associate Professors of DFLTI, took part in the works of the Procés d'Adquisició de la Competència Traductora i Avaluació group (PACTE) which was held on March 16th, 2017 in the Faculty of Translation & Interpreting of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) as part of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Programme (CEFR).
An open lecture by Assistant Professor Ioannis Karras at the University of Macedonia
Posted: 12-12-2016 15:24 | Views: 1290
Important Date: 12-12-2016
• Assistant Professor Ioannis Karras delivered an open lecture (invited speaker) at the University of Macedonia entitled "Developing Intercultural Communication Skills in Business and Management" (5 December, 2016).
An open lecture by Assistant Professor Ioannis Karras at the University of Cyprus
Posted: 16-11-2016 15:27 | Views: 1168
Important Date: 16-11-2016
Assistant Professor Ioannis Karras delivered a series of lectures entitled “Intercultural approaches to the teaching of EFL” within the framework of Erasmus+ mobility at the University of Cyprus (English Studies Department). The lectures were given to the Undergraduate and Postgraduate program (8-11 November, 2016).
Ιnternational conference "Spielräume der Übersetzung" in Rome
Posted: 02-11-2016 15:34 | Views: 1009
Important Date: 02-11-2016
In October 21st-27th, 2016, Anastasia Parianou, Associate Professor of DFLTI, in cooperation with Østfold University College organised the international conference "Spielräume der Übersetzung" in Rome, in which she presented her paper.
38th International Conference of Functional Linguistics
Posted: 26-10-2016 15:45 | Views: 1030
Important Date: 26-10-2016
Assistant Professors Maria Tsigou and Sotirios Livas participated in the 38th International Conference of Functional Linguistics (Université de La Rochelle, France, 17-21 October 2016). They presented a paper entitled "La Charte Européenne pour les langues régionales et minoritaires d’un point de vue linguistique et juridique" (The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages from a linguistic and legal point of view).
Participation of Associate Professor Anastasia Parianou in the European Programme MUST
Posted: 03-10-2016 15:48 | Views: 963
Important Date: 03-10-2016
Anastasia Parianou, Associate Professor of DFLTI, took part in the European Programme MUST (MUltilingual Student Translation corpus), which was activated in 2016, under the supervision of the Centre for English Corpus Linguistics of the Université catholique de Louvain, in Belgium.
Book publishing for Associate Professor Anastasia Parianou
Posted: 19-09-2016 15:59 | Views: 950
Important Date: 19-09-2016
In September 2016, the book by Anastasia Parianou, Associate Professor of DLFTI, entitled "Risikokommunikation und Übersetzen – Das Beispiel der Instruktionstexte" was published by DIAVLOS Publications.
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+30 26610 87202
Open to the public:
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Tue, Thu: 11am - 1pm (Erasmus+)
Galinos Building (1st floor)
Corfu, GR-49132
+30 26610 87202
Open to the public:
Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm
Tue, Thu: 11am - 1pm (Erasmus+)