Literary Translation German ‒ Greek II
Teaching Staff: Alatza Charikleia
Course Code: LT-6236
Gram-Web Code: ΛΜ2506-1Θ
Course Category: Specialization
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: German / Greek
Semester: 6th
Total Hours: 2
Erasmus: Not Available
The course of "Literary Translation German ‒ Greek II" is the continuation of the winter semesters course and deals with other genres of literary texts with increased difficulty in both linguistically and conceptionally. A more practical “laboratory” course which requires the active participation of all students in order to improve and acquire further their skills.
Upon successful completion of the course, the students more experienced in the practice of literary translation and with great awareness will be able to:
• understand and analyze a literary text more easily
• classify a text based on the genre and subject matter in the respective literary era
• understand more the poetic language and delve deeply into it
• distinguish the language peculiarities of the original and their associative meaning
• maintain the structure and the character of the text through the translation process
• respect the author´s style and translate it more easily into the target language
• be creative and find the proper solutions to the language problems that they face
1st week: Kurzgeschichte/ Short story: Definition – History – Trümmerliteratur
2nd week: The author Wolfgang Borchert and his work: Historical context
3rd week: Die Küchenuhr – Text to be edited and translated
4th week: Text analysis – Edit of the translation, discussion of the language translation problems, suggested solutions
5th week: Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch, use of audio-visual material in order to understand better the text, translation process
6th week: Die Kegelbahn, text to be edited and translated- team work
7th week: Novelle: Definition – Characteristics of this literary genre. Stefan Zweig and his literary work – Historical context
8th week: Der Amokläufer- text to be edited and translated in collaboration. Characteristics of the author and his work, text analysis, highlighting the language difficulties and cultural elements. Translation process
9th week: Continuation of the translation process. Literary devices and coping strategies of problem-solving that arise when translating them into the target language
10th week: Continuation of the translation process of excerpts from the same literary work
11th week: Die Mondscheingasse, content presentation and text analysis. Highlighting difficulties. Collaborative translation process. Discussion of the problems
12th week: Excerpts from the text to be edited and translated in collaboration. Discussion of problems
13th week: Summary, questions and critique
The texts to be translated vary from semester to semester.
Δημητρούλια, Ξ., Κεντρωτής, Γ., 2015. Λογοτεχνική μετάφραση-θεωρία και πράξη. [ηλεκτρ. βιβλ.] Αθήνα:Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών. Διαθέσιμο στο:
Κεντρωτής, Γιώργος: Θεωρία και Πράξη της Μετάφρασης, Αθήνα 2002
Kilchenmann, Ruth J.: Die Kurzgeschichte – Formen und Entwicklung. In: Wolfgang Salzmann (Hrsg.): Siebzehn Kurzgeschichten, mit Materialien. Klett, Stuttgart 1982, S. 108 f.
Gullvåγ, Kåre Eirek: Der Mann aus den Trümmern. Wolfgang Borchert und seine Dichtung, Aachen 1997.
Marx, Leonie: Kurzgeschichte. In: Literaturlexikon. Autoren und Werke deutscher Sprache. Herausgegeben von Walther Killy, Gütersloh und München 1988, S. 498 f
Müller, Hartmut: Stefan Zweig, 5. Auflage, Hamburg 1994
Stolze, Radegundis: Übersetzungstheorien, Eine Einführung, 4. Auflage, Tübingen 2005
Face-to-face and distance learning. The course is practical “laboratory” and is mainly based on questions asked by the students, the discussion and their comments. The curriculum is uploaded on the Ionio Open e-Class platform.
Use of ICT in teaching.
Written exam during the examination period.
Galinos Building (1st floor)
Corfu, GR-49132
Open to the public:
Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm
Tue, Thu: 11am - 1pm (Erasmus+)