Economic-Legal-Social Translation German ‒ Greek III
Teaching Staff: Vraila Stavroula-Paraskevi
Course Code: ET-7236
Gram-Web Code: ΟΜ2508-1Θ
Course Category: Specialization
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: German / Greek
Semester: 7th
Total Hours: 2
Erasmus: Not Available
This module aims to acquaint students with the modern economic speech of Germany and its requirements for translating it into Greek. The difference between the two economic systems requires the analysis of their structure and composition, as well as the presentation of the influence of each economic system based on the mentality of the people. Students will be asked to translate various types of economic texts based on the Skopos Theory of Translation and to formulate their own glossary.
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
- understand the special structure and form of financial texts
- analyse the macro and micro-objective structure of an economic text
- understand and interpret the influence of the German economic system in the formulation of the respective texts
- categorize financial texts according to their type and purpose
- distinguish the differentiation of the German-Greek economic systems
- effectively tackle the challenges associated with translating financial texts
- adapt to the rapid and frequent changes of financial systems, structures and texts
Week 1:
Introduction to Economic Speech. Structure. Form. Style.
Week 2:
Analysis of the macro and micro-objective structure of economic texts.
Week 3:
German economic texts: cultural elements.
Week 4:
German financial system. Principles. Position. Axes.
Week 5:
Business Financial Reports - Analysis and Translation.
Week 6:
Banking reports -Analysis and Translation.
Week 7:
Banking Contracts - Analysis and Translation.
Week 8:
Budget reports to the German Parliament - Translation.
Week 9:
German Automobile Industry. The duties. The consequences.
Week 10:
Financial analysis of the problem. How they are presented in the Greek press. What is the position of the Greek translator?
Week 11:
Greek crisis and German economy.
Week 12:
Glossary formation of economic terminology.
Week 13:
Use of machine translation in the case of financial texts.
Suggested reading:
Bolten, Jürgen. (1991) „Fremdsprache Wirtschaftsdeutsch: Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven.“ In: Müller, Bernd-Dietrich (Hrsg.) 1991. Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation. München: Iudicium Verlag, S. 71-91.
Fluck, Hans-Rüdiger. (1985) Fachsprachen. Einführung und Bibliographie. 3. aktualisierte u. erweiterte Auflage. Tübingen: Francke Verlag
Konovalova, A., & Yepes, G. R. (2016). Die Sprache des Marketings und ihre Übersetzung: morphologische und semantische Aspekte der Terminologie. MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, (8), 95-123.
Nollmann, G. (2003). Manuel Castells, 2003: Das Informationszeitalter. Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Kultur. Band III. Jahrtausendwende. Übersetzt von Reinhart Kößler. KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 55(2), 369-372
Schmitt, Peter A. (1985) Anglizismen in den Fachsprachen: eine pragmatische Studie am Beispiel der Kerntechnik. Heidelberg: Winter
Stolze, R. (1998). Stereotype–Bilder–Texte–Übersetzungen. Beobachtungen an Werbetexten in Brasilien und Deutschland. Lebende Sprachen, 43(3), 97-104
Wöhe, Günter. (2012) Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre. 25. Auflage. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen.
Greek bibliography
Κελάνδριας, Π. (2007): Η μετάφραση των οικονομικών κειμένων. Αθήνα: Δίαυλος
Face to face. Along with the lectures, students will be asked to apply in real time, the theory and techniques that have been taught. In cooperation with the professor, students will discuss all their translation options and the process they have chosen during the translation act.
Use of ICT in teaching
Written examination at the end of the semester. The students are asked to translate into Greek an English text of about 400 words following specific translating instructions.
Galinos Building (1st floor)
Corfu, GR-49132
Open to the public:
Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm
Tue, Thu: 11am - 1pm (Erasmus+)