USP Interpreting
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between OsloMet and the Ionian University
Posted: 15-03-2023 11:42 | Views: 3114
The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Faculty of Education and International Studies of OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University and the DFLTI of the Ionian University opens new paths for the two institutions.
Collaboration of the DFLTI with the School of Foreign Languages of Tirana University
Posted: 28-04-2022 14:02 | Views: 4898
We are pleased to announce the approval by the Albanian Ministry of Education of the new undergraduate degree programme "Translation and Interpreting into Greek and English".
Memorandum of Cooperation between DFLTI and the Educational Centre of the Embassy of Iran
Posted: 09-02-2022 15:33 | Views: 5528
DFLTI and the Educational Centre of the Embassy of Iran have signed a memorandum of scientific and cultural cooperation.
1st Colloquium of DFLTI Master students and PhD candidates
Posted: 10-05-2021 16:48 | Updated: 25-05-2021 11:46 | Views: 7375
Start: 25-05-2021 |End: 27-05-2021
International distinction for the DFLTI Interpreting Studies sector
Posted: 06-09-2017 10:41 | Views: 5698
Important Date: 06-09-2017
Zoi Resta, member of the Interpretating Studies teaching staff at DFLTI, represented the Panhellenic Association of Professional Translators Graduates of the Ionian University (PEEMPIP) and received the 2017 FIT Prize for Interpreting Excellence in a special ceremony held in Brisbane, Australia as part of the 2017 FIT Congress.
A Scholarship for the DFLTI alumni Maro Mantziara
Posted: 18-05-2016 16:50 | Views: 1916
Important Date: 18-05-2016
Maro Mantziara, a graduate of our Interpretation track, was given a scholarship to do a joint (3 European Universities: UNIVE Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia - UAB Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UPVM Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier) Master’s degree in “Cultural Mediation in the Mediterranean” within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus programme.
Two DFLTI students at the TransLaw 2016
Posted: 17-05-2016 16:57 | Views: 1110
Important Date: 17-05-2016
Two DFLTI students of Interpreting Studies, Maria Dimitropoulou and Maria Mantzara, presented the results of their innovative dissertation on “Interpreting in the Greek Asylum System – A case study” at the TransLaw 2016 conference, University of Tampere, Finnland, in May 2016.
A presentation - discussion on the topic of: “Court Interpreting: Practical problems and potential solutions”
Posted: 02-03-2015 14:53 | Views: 2136
Important Date: 02-03-2015
The DFLTI Interpreting Studies sector organized on 27/2/2015 a presentation-discussion in collaboration with the Corfu Bar Association on the topic of “Court Interpreting: Practical problems and potential solutions” with speakers: Zoi Resta and Anastasios Ioannidis, members of the DFLTI interpreting teaching staff, Panagiotis Alevantis, Head of Representation, European Commission Representation in Greece, and Marianna Asimakopoulou, Syn-eirmos Social Solidarity NGO-“Babel” Day Center. The presentation-discussion took place at the Function Hall of the Corfu Bar Association at the Corfu courthouse.
An award for two members of the teaching staff
Posted: 06-11-2014 16:53 | Views: 1021
Important Date: 06-11-2014
The members of the teaching staff, Zoi Resta and Anastasios Ioannidis, received the Best PhD Student Paper Award at the international conference on translation and interpreting TRANSLATA II of the University of Innsbruck (1/11/2014) for their paper titled: "The transposition of Directive 2010/64/EU and legal, institutional and actual deficiencies of court interpreting in Greece".
Major Accomplishment for Our Department
Posted: 16-10-2014 12:44 | Views: 1160
Important Date: 16-10-2014
Vilelmini Sosoni, Lecturer, became one of the three members of an Ionian University group (the other two being K. Kermanidou, Lecturer, and D. Tsoumakos, Assistant Professor, both from the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University) to succeed in securing funding within the framework of the programme Horizon2020 for a submitted proposal. Out of a total budget of 3 million Euros available for this programme, 400,000 euros will be allotted to the Ionian University and the two Departments. The submitted proposal pertains to machine translation in the context of the Massive Open Online Courses in more than 10 European and BRIC languages.
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Corfu, GR-49132
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Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm
Tue, Thu: 11am - 1pm (Erasmus+)