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European Commission Departments and executive agencies Interpretation Training assistance for universities and study visits to the EU institutions On-site assistance and how to apply for a study visit to the EU institutions. Departments Interpretation PAGE CONTENTS On-site assistance Study visits to the EU institutions Related links On-site assistance Universities can request specific training modules during the academic year. For deadlines, see below. Application for on-site assistance for interpretation universities English (73.9 KB - PDF) Download PDF - 73.9 KB Study visits to the EU institutions Study visits provide a first taste of professional life and an indication of the professional standards required to be recruited to work for the European Institutions. The students have the opportunity, among other things, to practice in a "dummy booth" with a trainer. Application for a study visit to the Directorate-General for Interpretation English (160.5 KB - PDF) Download PDF - 160.5 KB Contact Study visit to the Directorate-General for Interpretation Email scic-study-visits@ec.europa.eu Study visits to the European Parliament Email inte.students@europarl.europa.eu Application deadlines for on-site assistance and/or study visits: - 1st May for the period September - January - 1st November for the period February - August Related links Privacy statement - study visit scheme and on-site assistance for interpretation.
Κτίριο «Γαληνός» (1ος όροφος)
49132 Κέρκυρα
Εξυπηρέτηση κοινού-φοιτητών:
Δευτέρα, Τετάρτη, Παρασκευή: 11:00-13:00
Τρίτη, Πέμπτη: 11:00-13:00 (Erasmus+)