

About us

Receive specialized knowledge in the research field of Translation Studies by attending the MA “Science of Translation". The Program is fees-free.

Upon successful completion of the Programme, one may pursue PhD studies or work as a professional translator in the translation industry.


Member of European Master's in Translation

Starting 2024, MA "Science of Translation" is a member of the European Commission's European Master's In Translation (EMT) network until 2029.

EMT is a high-standard quality label for European MA programmes in Translation which attests to the high-quality studies we offer to our students.


High-quality studies

The Programme is a high caliber academic experience through advanced courses combined with lectures delivered by internationally recognized scholars.

Our MA students are offered opportunities to work in the translation industry through a well-established internship programme.


Student life in Corfu

Corfu is one of the few Greek regional cities, where Education and Culture meet and coevolve.

The University organizes many cultural events where the students can actively participate. Moreover, the city offers a rich and vibrant cultural life.


Latest News

Memorandum of Cooperation between DFLTI and the Educational Centre of the Embassy of Iran
Posted: 09-02-2022 15:33
DFLTI and the Educational Centre of the Embassy of Iran have signed a memorandum of scientific and cultural cooperation.


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