Before you enter
  • Who is it intended for
  • Entry exams
    Every academic year, the Programme accepts 20 applicants. A call for applications is published online.
  • Diplomas awarded
    The graduates of the MA "Science of Translation" are awarded a Master’s degree in the field of the Science of Translation.
  • International dimension
  • Member of the EMT
    The post-graduate programme "Science of Translation" is a member of the ΕΜΤ network of the EU.
  • Connection to the job market
    The MA "Science of Translation" collaborates with companies and institutions that employ translators and interpreters in order to bring students closer to the labour market.
  • Quality assurance policy
  • Academic ethics
    The academic community of DFLTI promotes academic ethics and is opposed to any form of academic misconduct (e.g. plagiarism).
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