
Services provided to students

Student Care -

The Ionian University provides accommodation to a number of students after selection, based on financial and social criteria, as described in its Housing Regulations. Accommodation is provided for first-year undergraduate students in the Student Residence and for older students in hotels located on the city's perimeter.

Also, the Ionian University has student restaurants in the Academic Departments for its students. Meals are provided free of charge to students who meet the criteria of the Joint Ministerial Decision no. Φ5/68535/Β3/18-6-2012, while the rest pay the amount of two (2) euros per meal. The restaurants are supervised by the Student Welfare and Sports Committee.

The responsibilities of the International and Public Relations Department are the development and organization of the Foundation's international and public relations. Specifically:

  • Theprovision of care for the creation and signing of inter-university agreements

and the monitoring of their implementation

  • Thecooperation with scientific bodies 
  • Thesecretarial support and management of the ERASMUS+ 
  • Theprovision of information on the European Union 
  • The provision of care for the organization of international conferences as well as for the hosting of foreign scientists and other officials invited by the
  • Theprovision of care for the promotion of the work of the University by

publishing information brochures, a university yearbook, a single Study Guide and other publications as well as by the participation of the Foundation in educational exhibitions at home and abroad.

  • Theprovision of care for the information of the public, Greek and foreign

candidates, about the Foundation.

  • Monitoringthe press and other mass media on issues concerning the 
  • Overseeing the publication of announcements and invitations on issues concerning the University.

International and Public Relations Department -

The University Gym of the Ionian University offers a variety of sports activities to enhance the physical fitness and well-being of students. With options such as athletics, basketball, volleyball, handball, football, aerobics, tango and chess, students have the opportunity to choose the sports activity that suits them best and enjoy exercising with friends and fellow students. Through these activities, the gym promotes healthy living and social cohesion among members of the university community.

University Gym -

Updated: 17-01-2025
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