Operation Regulation
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Chapter A' Postgraduate Studies Programmes

Article 1
Establishment of a Postgraduate Studies Programme

1. The establishment of Postgraduate Studies Programmes (MA) is included in the multi- year development plan of each Department/Faculty of the Higher Educational Institution (H.E.I.) and is part ofthe strategic planning of the H.E.I.

2. The MA programmes are organised by one (1) or more Departments of the same or another higher education institution in Greece and aim at the promotion of knowledge, the development of research and the satisfaction of the educational, research and development needs of the country. The MA programmes are governed by scientific coherence, have a subject related to the scientific fields of the Department that organises them and meet the requirements that guarantee a high level ofstudy.

3. By decision of the Senate of the H.E.I., the decision to establish a new MA or to modify an existing one is approved upon the recommendation of the Assembly of the Department and the opinion of the Postgraduate Studies Committee. The decision of establishment referred to in the first subparagraph shall determine all issues governing the organisation, operation and management of the MA and shall regulate at least the following: a) the title of the MA and the diploma awarded, b) the subject and purpose of the programme, the learning outcomes and the qualifications acquired through successful completion of the programme, c) the duration of the MA, which may notbe less than five (5) years, with the possibility of its extension and subject to its non- accreditation during the periodic evaluation of the Department, d) the categories of graduates admitted and the other criteria necessary or taken into account in the selection process of admissions, (e) the method of evaluation, which may include the conduct of examinations, dossier evaluation and personal interviews, as well as the selection procedure for candidates, (f) the specializations of the MA, which may lead to the award of a different diploma, (g) the curriculum per specialization, the titles and a brief description (syllabus) of the courses, seminars, workshops and clinical exercises of the MA, the conduct of practical training, the preparation of a thesis or the conduct of other educational and research activities defined as compulsory or optional for the successful completion of the MA, with an indication of the number of credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System - ECTS) awarded per case, h) the total number of credits (ECTS) awarded per MA specialisation, if there is more than one (1) specialisation, which may not be less than sixty (60) credit units (ECTS), as well as the number of academic semesters of the programme, i) the official language of the programme and the language of the thesis, which may be different from Greek, j) the maximum number of admission of postgraduate students or the maximum number ofadmission per specialisation of the MA, (k) the sources of funding of the MA and the amount of tuition fees, if tuition fees are specified; (l) the rights and obligations of students, (m) the possibility of awarding scholarships based on criteria of excellence, aswell as the provision of reciprocal scholarships, (n) the way the educational process of the MA is organised, in person or by means of modern distance learning methods, in whole or in part, o) the possibility of providing the programme as a part-time programme, p) any other issue related to the operation and regulations of the programme.

4. The recommendation ofthe DepartmentalAssembly must be accompanied by: a) a detailed budget of income and expenses for the first five (5) years of operation of the programme, which includes all types of resources of the programme, its operating costs, such as fees for the administrative - technical support of the programme, fees of teaching staff, travel costs, equipment and logistical infrastructure and other operating costs, b) a feasibility and viability study of the programme to be established, which sets out in detail the scientific and social reasons that make the operation of the programme necessary and important, its scientific coherence, its connection with the first cycle programmes ofthe Department with a relevantsubject area, as well as the other staff who areto support the organisation and operation of the MA, the logistical structure, equipmentand building infrastructure expected to be used for the operation ofthe programme.

5. If the organization of the MA is carried out by more than one (1) Department of the same or another higher education institution of the country, as an interdepartmental or interdisciplinary MA respectively, a special protocol of cooperation is drawn up, which includes all the elements of par. 3 and 4, the obligations of each collaborating Department, the number of members of the curriculum committee, the participation and representation of each collaborating Department in the bodies of the MA, the procedure for the appointment of the Director of the MA, the Department that undertakes the administrative support of the programme, the methodology for the allocation of the resources of the MA and any other issue necessary for its proper functioning. By decision of the Senate of the H.E.I.(s), following the recommendation of the Assembly of each collaborating Department, the specific protocol of cooperation shall be approved. The decision to set up the programme shall be accelerated by the higher education institution which is responsible for the administrative support of the programme.

6. H.E.I.s may cooperate for the organization of MA programmes with Higher Military Educational Institutions, Higher Ecclesiastical Academies, research and technological institutions of article 13a of Law 4310/2014 (A' 258) (as amended by Article 12 of Law 4386/2016), Research University Institutes, the Academy of Athens, the Institute of Medical and Biological Research of the Academy of Athens, foreign institutions and research organizations, European and international institutions and organizations, as well as recognized scientific institutions and associations operating under public law. The partnership with educational institutions of non-formal post-secondary education of Law 3696/2008 (A' 177) (as amended by Law 4093/2012 & Law 4763/2020) is not allowed. In case of partnerships with institutions that do not provide equivalent education and equivalent degrees with the H.E.I., the academic function of the MA belongs exclusively to the H.E.I. By decision of the Senate of the H.E.I., the special protocol of cooperation for the organization of joint MA programmes is approved, which includes at least the elements of par. 3 and the contribution of each collaborating institution in terms of human resources, use of laboratory infrastructure and practical training. Specifically, for the MA programmes organised in cooperation with foreign institutions (joint MA programmes), the specific cooperation protocol shall provide whether the successful completion of the joint MA programme shall lead to the awardof a single degree by the cooperating institutions or to the award of separate degrees by each of the cooperating institutions.

7. After the adoption of the decision to establish a MA programme of par. 3 and before the start of its operation, the accreditation of the MA by the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE) is required, in accordance with paragraph c) of par. 1 of article 8 of Law 4653/2020 (A' 12) (as amended by paragraph 1 of article 386 of Law 4957/2022). After their establishment, the MA programmes are periodically accredited, according to sub-paragraph bb) of paragraph b) of paragraph 1 of Article 8 of Law 4653/2020, in the context of the evaluation of the academic unit to which they are affiliated.

8. If the foundation decision is amended, a new accreditation of the MA is required by the HAHE, ifthe amendment concerns elements of paragraphs b) and f) of par.

9. The decision on the establishment of a MA in par. 3 shall be notified, with the care of the H.E.I., to the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs within ten (10) days from the date of its publication in the Government Gazette.

Article 2
Criteria onthe basis ofwhich the minimumand maximum number ofstudents admitted per postgraduate and doctoral programme of the H.E.I.

The minimum and maximum number of admissions (per cycle of studies or per direction where provided) of students to a Master's degree programme of the Ionian University is decided by the Assembly of the Department in the case of a single- disciplinary or by the Curriculum Committee in case of an interdepartmental or two- disciplinary MA. The minimum number of students may be determined according to the primary criteria of academic functionality and financial viability (at least the satisfaction of the operational needs) of the MA and is stated in the regulation of the MA. The maximum number may be determined on the basis of: (a) the configuration of the ratio of lecturers (of the Department or cumulatively of the collaborating Departments) and students, according to decisions of the competent bodies, as well as the teaching load, and (b) taking into account the limits of potential coverage of the needs of the MA in terms of logistical infrastructure. The maximum number of admissions is indicated in the founding decision and in the regulations of the MA and may be increased by a decision of the competent bodies in the event of a tie with the last successful candidate. Scholarship holders of the I.K.Y. and other Greek public institutions, as well as foreign scholarship holders of the Greek State may be admitted as supernumeraries to a MA without taking part in the admission procedure described below, and without reducing the maximum number of admissions per course of study or (where applicable) per direction.

Article 3
Method o fevaluation and selection procedure for candidates

1. A prerequisite for candidacy for a Master's degree is the possession of a first cycle degree from a higher education institution in Greece or from similar institutions abroad (recognized by the DOATAP or DIKATSA) or a degree from a Higher Military Educational Institution (H.M.E.I.). In addition, a certificate of knowledge of a foreign language may be requested for nationals and of Greek for foreigners in case of a Greek-language MA.

2. Criteria for selection among the candidates to be admitted and enrolled as students in an MA, apart from the formal criteria required by law and unless the Regulations of the MA provide (in total or individually) otherwise, may include the following or a combination of the following: ● The evaluation of the candidate during the written test (on a scale of 10 on a scale of 10) at a percentage of one percent, which is defined by the Regulations of the MA. ● The evaluation of the candidate during the individual interview (on a scale of 10 one scale of 10) at a percentage of percent, which is defined by the Regulations of the MA. ● The evaluation of the candidate's (digital or paper) file (on a scale of 10 on a 5 scale of 10) at a percentage of one percent, which is defined by the Regulations of the MA.

3. It is possible to set an evaluation threshold (basis) in order to admit a candidateto theMA. This limit is determined by the respective announcement.

4. The Assembly of the Department in the case of a single-disciplinary or the Study Program Committee (S.P.C.-MA) in the case of an interdepartmental or interdisciplinary MA., may appoint a Committee to conduct admission procedures for each new cycle of studies of the MA. i) The Committee is composed of faculty members of the Department or of the collaborating Departments teaching in the MA. ii) The members of the Committee are responsible for conducting the overall assessment of the candidates (written test, personal interviews, their dossier or a combination of both). iii) The Committee evaluates, in accordance with the law, the relevant ministerial decision and the Regulations of the respective MA, the supporting documents of those of the successful candidates, after their approval by the Assembly of the Department or by the S.P.C.-MA, who are entitled to be exempted from the tuition fees.

5. The Secretariat of the Department of a single-degree MA or of the supervising Department in the case of an interdepartmental or interdisciplinary MA receives the applications and supporting documents submitted by the postgraduate students within the deadlines set by the announcement. After receiving the list of candidates from the Secretariat, the Commission will set the dates for the written examination and interview of the candidates if these have not been announced in the notice, or, at its discretion, modify them if there are special reasons.

6. Candidates are required to submit an application file containing at least the information regarding their formal qualifications (copies of degrees etc.) as required by law and a curriculum vitae. In addition, candidates may be invited to the following or a combination of the following, depending on the relevant provision of the Regulations of the MA: i. a written examination which maybe held inperson or by electronic means. ii. a general personal interview, which may be conducted in person or byelectronic means. The percentage of participation of the written examination and the individual interview in the overall evaluation of the candidate is determined bythe Regulations of the MA. iii. submitting additional information in the application file to demonstrate research or artistic experience. Theoretical and technological approaches and skills relevant to the subjects of the MA are taken into account in the total evaluation in a percentage determined by the Regulation of the MA.

7. Special care shall be taken for the participation and assessment of persons with disabilities or with special educational needs and other social or professional particularities. – The Committee prepares a list of the candidates' ranking, in accordance with the present regulation, and submits it to the Assembly of the Department or to the S.P.C.-MA.

8. The Assembly of the Department or the S.P.C.-MA then approves the final evaluation list of the successful and runners-up. Any evaluation threshold shall betaken into account if it has been set.

9. The list of the successful candidates, after its validation by the Departmental Assembly or the Study Programme Committee of the interdepartmental or interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies Programme, is posted in electronic form on the website ofthe MA and the successful candidates are invited to enroll in the MA by thedeadline specified in a relevant announcement. Candidates who do not register by the deadline will lose the right to enroll in the MA and their place will be taken by a runner-up in order of success.

10. An objection against the candidate's evaluation on the list of successful candidates may be lodged within one calendar week from the date of the announcement of the results, and is evaluated by the Departmental Assembly or the S.P.C-MA. The objection, in which the candidate must provide documented and specific reasons, is finally decided by the Departmental Assembly or the S.P.C – MA which decides on it.

Article 4
Policy on the determination of the amount of the tuition fees, as well as the upper limitofthese fees for the Postgraduate Studies Programmes (MA) per School ofthe H.E.I.

The policy regarding the establishment of tuition fees in the Postgraduate Programmesof the IU, where and when they are provided for by the decision of the Departmental Assembly or the Study Programme Committee of the interdepartmental or interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programme, as well as the determination of the minimum and maximum amount of these fees may be determined in proportion to the operating costs of the Postgraduate Programme. They may be set at a ratio between the operating costs of the MA and of the Foundation and the benefits of any kind provided to postgraduate students, in the context of a rational balance between the quality of the MA and the social sensitivity towards those in need of support. This may be combined with the possibility of reducing tuition fees upon application to the competent bodies of the MA (Assembly of the Department or S.P.C.- MA) for special categories of students (with serious financial or family problems, living difficulties, health problems, exceptional financial difficulties, etc.) within the framework of strict compliance with the provisions on personal data. The total number of students attending free of charge may not exceed the number corresponding to thirty per cent (30%) or a percentage determined by law of the total number of students enrolled per academic year. If the calculation of the number of beneficiaries of the exemption from tuition fees results in a decimal number, it shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. If the number of fee waiver beneficiaries exceeds this percentage, the beneficiaries shall be selected in descending order of ranking until the number is reached.

Postgraduate students are required to pay the tuition fees within two (2) weeks from the beginning of the courses of the respective semester, except for the first semester of studies, when they must be paid one week before the beginning of the courses. In case of non- compliance with financial obligations, the student will be dropped from the program. In case of withdrawal from the MA, the fees already paid will not be refunded. For the award of the degree, students are required to have previously fulfilled all their financial obligations.

Article 5
Rights and Obligations ofpostgraduate students

Postgraduate students have all the rights and benefits provided for students of the first cycle of studies, except for the right to free textbooks. Institutions are required to ensure that students with disabilities and/or special educational needs have access to the proposed texts and teaching. If the MA includes the preparation of a thesis, the competent administrative bodyof theMA, following a request from the candidate, which includes the proposed title of the thesis, the proposed supervisor and a summary of the proposed thesis, appends a summary of the proposed thesis, appoints the supervisor and establishes the threemember examination committee for the approval of the thesis, one of whose members is the supervisor. In order for the thesis to be approved, the Postgraduate theses, if approved by the examination committee, are deposited in the library of the institution in electronic form. A Diploma of Postgraduate Studies is not awarded to a student whose first cycle degree from a foreign institution has not been recognized by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (D.O.A.T.A.P.), according to Law 3328/2005 (A' 80) (the number of its provisions were repealed and replaced by Law 4957/2022). The right to study free of charge in a Postgraduate Studies Programme with tuition fees, scholarships is mentioned in Article 7 of this Regulation.

Article 6
Maximum number ofspecializations per MA ofthe H.E.I.

The MA are organized in departments that provide undergraduate studies and are required to refer to the same or related specializations with the cognitive subjects of the Department, or of the Departments in case of an interdepartmental or interdisciplinary MA. The number of specializations per MA shall be determined by the Assembly of the Department or of the Departments in the case of an interdepartmental or interdisciplinary MA and may not exceed four (4).

Article 7
Procedure for the awarding of scholarships, both contributory and non-reimbursable, to postgraduate students and doctoral candidates, the maximumnumber ofscholarships awarded and the criteria for awarding the

1. Registered students of a Postgraduate Programme of Studies (MA) may attend a MA free of charge, if the payment of tuition fees is provided for, if they meet the financial or social criteria of the present. A prerequisite for the granting of the right to free tuition on the basis of economic or social criteria is the fulfilment of the conditions of excellence in the first cycle of studies, corresponding at least to the possession of a grade equal to or higher than seven and a half with an excellent grade out of ten (7,5/10)(or as defined by law each time), provided that the evaluation in the basic degree presented for admission to the MA has been awarded in accordance with tenpoint scale of a Higher Education Institution (H.E.I.) in the country, otherwise, this criterion is applied proportionally according to the relevant evaluation scale, provided that the degree submitted has been awarded by a foreign institution.

2. The total number of students attending free of charge may not exceed the number corresponding to thirty percent (30%) of the total number of registered students per academic year or a percentage specified by law. If, when calculating the number of beneficiaries of exemption from tuition fees, a decimal number is obtained, the number shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. If the number of beneficiaries of exemption exceeds this percentage, the beneficiaries shall be selected in descending order untilthe number is reached.

3. The submission of applications for free study per MA in accordance with the present regulations takes place after the completion of the admission process of students to the MA.

4. The student of the MA who fulfils the requirement of par. 1, provided that the following criteria apply: a) the average of the sum of the taxable incomes of the last two (2) financial years of all family members of the applicant for exemption from tuition fees, i.e. the applicant himself/herself, his/her parents, regardless of whether they file a joint or separate tax return, and his/her siblings up to the age of twenty-six (26), if they are unmarried and have their own taxable income within the meaning of Article 7 of Law 4172/2013 (A' 167), does not exceed seventy percent (70%) of the national median disposable equivalent income, according to the most recently published data of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), if the applicant has not reached the twenty-sixth (26ο ) year of age and is unmarried or has not entered into a cohabitation agreement, b) the average of the applicant's personal taxable income of the last two (2) financial years does not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the national median disposable equivalent income, according to the most recently published data of ELSTAT, if the applicant has reached the age of 26ο years, c) the average of the sum of the taxable income of the last two (2) financial years of the applicant and his/her spouse or partner, if married or in a civil partnership, regardless of whether they submit a joint or separate tax return, does not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the national median disposable income equivalent, according to the most recently published data of ELSTAT.

5. If the applicant for exemption has not reached the age of 26ο and is a child of a family with three or more children or a child of an unmarried parent or an orphan of atleast one (1) parent or a person with a disability or a member of a household with a person with a disability, he/she may apply for exemption from half (50%) of the obligation to pay tuition fees, provided that the average in paragraph a) of par. 4 exceeds seventy percent (70%) and does not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the national median disposable equivalent income.

6. The examination of the criteria for exemption from tuition fees is carried out by the Departmental Assembly in case of a single-disciplinary MA or the Study Programme Committee in case of an interdisciplinary or two-disciplinary MA respectively and a reasoned decision is issued on the acceptance or rejection ofthe application.

7. The possibility of exemption from the obligation to pay tuition fees is provided 10 exclusively for the attendance of one (1) MA organised by a domestic higher education institution.

8. Postgraduate students who are either exempted from paying tuition fees or are declared scholarship holders of the MA are obliged to offer support services to the department (or departments in the case of an interdepartmental or interdisciplinary MA) according to their qualifications. The relevant assignment shall be made by the S.P.C. orthe C.C.

9. This does not apply to citizens ofthird countries.

Article 8
Terms of full and part-time attendance and the possibility ofsuspension and resumption of attendance

1. The duration of studies for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma of Specialisation(MA) is defined by decision of the C.C. or the S.P.C. in the case of an interdepartmental MA. By decision of the C.C. or the S.P.C., students may be given the option of part-time study, in which the duration of study is extended to n+2 academic semesters, where nisthe number of academic semesters corresponding to full-time study. In order to be admitted to part-time status, a student must submit a request before the beginning of the course to the S.C. or the S.P.C. in the case of an interdepartmental MA, which mustcontain the reasons for which the student requests to be admitted to part-time status. Themaximum number of students who may be enrolled on a parttime basis may not exceed 30% of the enrolment in any academic year. In the case where there are more applications than the permitted number, they shall be sorted by the Coordination Committee taking into account social criteria and on the basis of the reasons invoked by the students in their application. All the applications are examined by the Departmental Assembly (or by the S.P.C in the case of an interdepartmental or interdisciplinary MA) following a recommendation from the Coordination Committee. A final list of approved/rejected applications for part-time studies is drawn up. Part-time students shall pay the full tuition fees in the same wayas full- time students, with the exception of the last instalment. Each postgraduate student has the right to request, with a reasoned application submitted to the Secretariat of the MA before the end of the last semester of study, anextension of his/her studies beyond the normal period, which is examined by the C.C. or the S.P.C. in case of an interdepartmental or interdisciplinary MA. Any extension is given keeping in mind that the total time of study including the extension time cannot exceed n+2 of the regular course of study. The start date of studies is considered the last day of registration in the first academic semester, while the end date of studies is considered the last day of the last compulsory academic semester. In the event that the MA is not held again in a future year for any reason, then any student who has not completed his/her studies, even if he/she has received an extension of his/her studies, will not be able to graduate from the MA.

 2. Each postgraduate student has the right to request, by application submitted to the MA Secretariat within the first two weeks of the current semester, a suspension of his/her studies, either at the stage of attending the Educational Units or at the stage of preparing the postgraduate thesis. The permission is granted by decision of the C.C. or the S.P.C. in case of an interdepartmental or interdisciplinary MA, it concerns an integral number of semesters, it is granted only once and taking into account that the total study time, not including the period of suspension, cannot exceed n+2 of the normal study period. A leave of absence of longer duration may be granted only to students who are fulfilling their military service, in case of pregnancy or in cases of prolonged illness. In the latter two cases, a document certifying pregnancy or illness is required. In the case of illness, the document must come from a public hospital. A document certifying their military status is also required for those fulfilling their military obligations. The suspension period of the postgraduate student is not counted in the total duration of study. In case the MA is not held again in a future year, then any student who has not completed his/her studies, even if he/she has received a suspension of his/her studies, does not graduate from the MA and is deleted. During the suspension of studies, the student's status is revoked and all the student's rights are suspended. The student's status shall be restored after the end of the suspension.

Article 9
Internal evaluation procedure ofthe MA and the evaluation procedure ofthe coursesand the lecturers of the MA by the students

1. The Postgraduate Study Programmes (MA) of each Department, including interdepartmental, interdisciplinary and joint MA programmes, of which the Department undertakes the administrative support, are evaluated in the framework of the periodic evaluation/certification of the academic unit by the Hellenic Authority 12 for Higher Education. The internal evaluation process of the MA is a regularly recurring participatory process of self-evaluation of all faculty and processes in the MA. In this context, the overall assessment of the work performed by each MA is evaluated, the degree of fulfilment of the objectives set at the time of its establishment, its sustainability, the absorption of graduates into the labour market, the degree of its contribution to research, the evaluation of courses and teachers by postgraduate students, the feasibility of extending its operation, as well as other elements relating to the quality of the work produced and its contribution to the national strategy for highereducation. The annual internal evaluation of the MA aims to re-evaluate, adjust and update the course curriculum, remove negative points, improve the structure of the MA and the learning process, provide feedback on the strategy and quality objectives of the MA, and the decision-making processes through which the MA achieves continuous improvement of the educational process.

2. The evaluation of courses and teachers by students is carried out during the last weeks of each semester. The Coordinating Committee of each MA or the Curriculum Committee of each MA is responsible for the evaluation of the courses and teachers by the students, according to the provisions of the Ionian University's MODIP. In particular, they are responsible for the formulation and distribution of a special evaluation form for each course and its lecturers to the students, the collection, processing and presentation of their overall responses. Specific issues to be examined: clarity of course objectives, degree of achievement of objectives, organisation of the material, use of teaching methods, quality of teaching, effectiveness of teachers, etc. The evaluation of the courses and of the lecturers in the MA by the students is carried out on a semesterly basis in such a way as to ensure anonymity, reliability and the greatest possible participation of the students in the evaluation.

3. The Coordinating Committee or the S.P.C. conducts periodically a study of the absorption of graduates of the MA by means of a questionnaire (or other means of data collection). Subsequently, the data are analyzed and interpreted, which may include: Demographics, employment of graduates during and after their postgraduate studies, difficulties and benefits gained, research performance and suggestions for linking graduates to the Department and the University.

4. Regular internal evaluations aim to better monitor, control and revise the curricula or individual modules of each course, to maintain the high level of educational provision and to create a supportive and effective learning environment for students. The internal evaluation process of the MA takes into account factors such as: a) the content of the curriculum and the updating of each course according to the latest scientific trends, b) the changing needs of society and education, c) the overall educational needs and expectations of students, and d) the adequacy of the learning environment, infrastructure and facilities of the MA. The needs for improvement are 13 identified through internal and external evaluation of the Department and through the experiencegained from the teaching and evaluation process of the courses and lecturers. The data are analyzed and discussed in the meetings of the C.C. with the lecturers of the MA and an effort is made to find solutions or ways to improve any problems and negative points. The curriculum and its revised versions are included in the Study Guide and published on the Department's website.

5. If a MA at the stage of its evaluation according to par. 1 is deemed not to meet the conditions for its continued operation, its operation shall be terminated upon graduation of the students already enrolled in accordance with the founding decision and the regulations for postgraduate and doctoral programmes of study.

6. In order to improve the operation of the MA, it is advisable to define the procedure forthe submission and management of complaints and objections of postgraduate students. This procedure applies to all complaints concerning the quality of the educational and administrative services provided by the Department. It is also appropriate to specify the procedure for the appointment of academic advisors.

Article 10
Terms and conditions for the organisation of a Master's degree programme using modern and asynchronous distance education methods, as well as issues related to theorganisation of the educational process using distance education methods

1. A prerequisite for the organization of the educational process of a MA is thirteen (13) full weeks of teaching for the compulsory courses and a total of thirty-nine (39) teaching hours as defined in Law 4957/2022 (Article 63, paragraph 3) or as specified by the law. This minimum number of weeks and teaching hours may be either faceto-face or by synchronous distance learning or a combination of both in the proportion permitted by the law in question. Distance learning by asynchronous means is in addition to the above- mentioned compulsory teaching hours, as are various other practices (study week, etc.). In any case, the use of asynchronous media cannot exceed 25% of the credit hours of the MA Law 4957/2022 (article 87, paragraph 1) or as specified by the law.

2. A prerequisite for the organization of a MA with distance learning is that the natureofthe courses allows it, for which there should be a relevant justification at the time of the establishment of the MA. The organisation of distance learning teaching should take into account the possibilities for learners to participate in an inclusive manner (availability of materials and software, accessibility issues for learners with disabilities and special educational needs, introductory training on any electronic platform, etc.).

3. Additional requirements for distance education are described in the KYA 18137/Z1 (Government Gazette 1079/28-2-2023/i. B’) and are specified as follows:

1. For each MA that is organised by distance learning methods, one (or more) natural person is appointed by decision of the competent collective body as the Management Officer of an integrated tele-education system and his/her details are communicated to the users of the system. Each person appointed asa manager has the knowledge to provide support and any assistance to studentsandlecturers, users of the integrated distance learning system (Article 3, paragraph 7 of the KYA 18137/Z1).

2. Regarding access to the integrated system of tele-education, the accreditation procedure of users and access rights per user category (lecturer, student, supervisor, technical and other staff), these are defined by the respective Digital Governance Unit of the Ionian University or the administrative structure until its designation.

3. The Digital Governance Unit oversees the technological infrastructure of the Ionian University, the technical support, maintenance and upgrading of infrastructure and technologies to support the distance learning process, as well as the obligations of each user. The infrastructure used by each MA should be in accordance with the information systems security policy of the Ionian University with a focus on the development of e- learning systems, the information privacy management policy and cyber security.

4. The educational support of the students is provided by the institution of an advisor who is one of the lecturers of the MA. The advisor undertakes to monitor the studies of the students assigned to him/her and to support them throughout the educational process.

5. For each course taught and educational activity implemented by distancelearning methods, the suitability of the course or activity for implementation by distance learning methods shall be analyzed. If the distance learning method is also used for the assessment of students, the suitability of distance learning methods for examination related to the nature of the course and the examination shall be analyzed.

6. For each lecturer, an assessment of his/her ability to meet the requirements of distance teaching will take place and suggestions for improvement (e.g. attendance of relevant seminars) will be made, as well as based on the previous experience of other lecturers.

7. Students' work will be checked for plagiarism by a system that will be available from the Ionian University at any given time. Plagiarism issues are serious and the relevant body of the MA must be informed of any incident. Plagiarism may 15 also result in the expulsion of a student from the MA regardless of the specific weight of any assignment.

8. The operation of each MA in practice complies with the provisions of the General Regulation on Data Protection and Law 4624/2019 and the general corresponding policy of the Ionian University.

9. The additional internal evaluation criteria of an MA that is implemented by distance learning methods are determined by the MODIP and may include, for example, the level of technological support, whether the courses were organised and structured for distance learning and the training of the lecturers to support distance learning.

10. The registration process of students in the distance learning programmes in the student register of the Ionian University follows the same procedure as inthe other programmes and the students are registered in the electronic student register maintained at the Ionian University.

4. With regard to the procedure for the establishment of a Master's degree programme organised by distance education methods, the procedure of article 80 of Law 4957/2022 and article 5 of the KYA 18137/Z1 (Government Gazette 1079/28-2- 2023/i. B') or as applicable each time and at least required: 1. Suitability of the subject matter of the MA to be organised using distance learning methods, 2. An analysis of the proposed methods of organizing the educational process(face- to-face, synchronous, asynchronous, mixed system) per educational activity of the curriculum and the distribution of teaching hours of each educational activity of the MA per method of implementation, as well as the percentage of any asynchronous distance learning per educational activity and overall in the programme, 3. Documentation on the logistical infrastructure of the H.E.I. and in particular the suitability and adequacy of the digital infrastructure for the organization of distance learning methods, 4. Documentation on the digital skills and expertise of teaching staff in the useof Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), 5. The digital learning material, 6. The methods of digitalstudent assessment.

5. Distance evaluation procedures must be seamless and in any case the data of users must be protected in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6 and 7 of the KYA 18137/Z1 (Government Gazette 1079/28-2-2023/i. B') or as specified by the 16 respective provisions.

Article 11
Preparation of feasibility and viability studies and budgets ofthe underestablished MA programmes.

The feasibility and viability study of the programme to be established includes a detailed report on the scientific and social reasons that make the operation of the programme necessary and important, the degree of connection between teaching and research, the objectives of the programme, its scientific coherence, its connection with the first cycle programmes of the Department (or Departments) offered, the teaching staff expected to teach in the programme, the existing teaching staff of the Department(or Departments) with a relevant subject area, as well as the other staff who are to support the organisation and operation of the MA, the logistical structure, equipment and building infrastructure expected to be used for the operation of the programme. The detailed budget of income and expenses for the first five (5) years of operation of the programme submitted in the proposal for the establishment of the MA the resources of the programme and its operating costs, such as fees for theadministrative- technical support of the programme, teaching staff fees, travel costs, equipment and logistical infrastructure and other operating costs, the Coordinating Committee or S.P.C. is responsible for drawing up the initial annual budget of the MA and its amendments, provided that the MA has resources according to article 84 of Law 4957/2022, and recommends its approval to the Research Committee of the Special Account for Research Grants (E.L.K.E.).

Article 12
Issues related to examinations and other methods of evaluating the performance ofpostgraduate students

 The regulations of each MA should clarify the number of examinations allowed per course and the grade allowed. The mode of examination should be known from the beginning of the teaching of each course. The methods of assessment of students may include written or oral tests, assignments (exempt or non-exempt) with or without oral presentation, or a combination of the above depending on the instructor and the nature of the course. The regulations of the respective MA should specify a re-evaluation procedure in accordance with the Law 4957/2022 (Article 65, paragraph 2). The evaluation may be carried out either after the completion of each academic semester orafter the completion of the teaching work of each course or the 17 completion of each educational activity, as specified in the internal regulations of the MA. The method of assessment should be the same for all and care should be taken to ensure that students with special educational needs or disabilities are assessed in an equal way. In the case of distance assessment, the provisions set out in KYA 18137/Z1 (Government Gazette 1079/28-2-2023/i. B’) and the more general provisions of Article 9 apply.


Article 13
Organization and operation ofdoctoralprogrammes ofthe Ionian University

The Ionian University offers the possibility of conducting a Doctoral Studies Programme (PhD) in areas that fall within the research interests and/or the cognitive subjects of the Departments. The Doctoral Studies of the departments of the Ionian University are organized and operated in accordance with the provisions of Law 4957/2022, as they are in force and as they may be formed in the future, the other relevant legal provisions and decisions in force, as well as the provisions of this Regulation.

Typical qualifications of candidates

Candidates for the Doctoral Studies Programme degree must hold a Master's degree awarded by a Higher Educational Institution (H.E.I.) of the domestic or foreign country or graduates of an undergraduate programme of study of at least five years' duration corresponding to three hundred (300) credit points of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), if there is a relevant provision in the Department's Regulations for Doctoral Studies. A detailed list of qualifications for doctoral candidates will be prepared by the Department of each faculty of the Ionian University.

a) Submission ofApplications

The departments of the Ionian University may advertise doctoral candidates' positions, which are published in the daily press or posted electronically on the Department's website. Each department that advertises doctoral positions is responsible for the datesof submission of applications. In addition, the documents to be submitted according tothe decisions of the Assemblies of the Departments of the Ionian University

b) Language ofwriting
The doctoral thesis is written in Greek or English or in any other language specified by the regulations of the respective doctoral programme.

c) Evaluation ofApplications
The Assembly of the Department, having taken into account the applications submitted, appoints the committees responsible for the faculty members' field of expertise in order to examine the respective applications and the accompanying documents and invites the candidates for an interview. The Departmental Assembly, having received the opinion of the proposed supervisor, shall take it into account with the committee's memorandum and approve or reject the candidate's application, giving reasons. The approval decision shall specify the language in which the doctoral thesis is to be written. The deadlines for submission are set by the regulations of the doctoral programme concerned.

d) Supervision of Doctoral Dissertation
1. By decision of the Assembly of the Department of Higher Educational Institution (H.E.I.), a three-member advisory committee is appointed, including the supervisor. The advisory committee may include: a) members of the Teaching and Research Staff of each level of theDepartment of the H.E.I, b) members of the Teaching and Research Staff of other Departments of the sameor another H.E.I., c) Emeritus Professors and retired members ofthe Teaching and Research Staff, d)members of the Teaching and Research Staff of Higher Military Educational Institutions and Higher Ecclesiastical Academies, e)researchers of any level serving in research and technological institutions of article 13A of Law 4310/2014 (A' 258), including the Academy of Athens and the Institute of Medical and Biological Research of the Academy of Athens, as well as the scientific staff of the Hellenic Geological and Mineral Research Authority (E.A.G.M.E.) of article 25 of Law 4602/2019 (A' 45), if he/she has a doctoral degree and research activity related to the subject of the doctoral thesis, f) professors from foreign institutions and researchers from foreign research organisations.

3. The regulation must indicate the procedure for the assignment and supervision of doctoral thesis and the maximum number of doctoral theses that may be supervised bythe same member of the Teaching and Research Staff.

4. If for any reason the supervisor is absent or is found to be unable to supervise for a long period of time, the departmental assembly, assessing the circumstances, assigns the supervision to another person, in accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraphs, at the request of the doctoral candidate and the opinion of the proposed supervisor. Otherwise, the supervision shall be entrusted to one of the other two members of the three-member advisory committee, even in excess of the maximum number of doctoral candidates that he/she may supervise. If the original supervisor moves to another H.E.I. or H.E.I. department or retires, he/she shall continue to act as supervisor of the doctoral theses for which he/she is responsible and the title shall be awarded by the department of the H.E.I. in which the thesis was written. With the agreement of the Departmental Assembly, a change of supervisor may take place following a reasoned request by the doctoral candidate to whom the new supervisor is proposed, subject to the opinion of the previous supervisor and the new proposed supervisor. With the agreement of the Departmental Assembly, there may bea change of another member of the tripartite after a reasoned request by the doctoral candidate proposing the new member of the tripartite and after the agreement of the supervisor of the doctoral thesis.

5. The names of the doctoral candidates, their supervisors, the titles of the doctoral theses and a brief description of them, as well as the members of the advisory committees are posted on the department's website in Greek and English.

e) Duration ofDoctoralStudies

1. The period oftime for obtaining the doctoral degree may not be less than three (3) full calendar years from the date of appointment of the three-member advisory committee. The maximum stay shall be six (6) years from the date of appointment of the tripartite advisory committee.

2. In exceptional cases this period may be extended. For the request for extension, a memorandum from the Tripartite Advisory Committee should be submitted to the Departmental Assembly, which is competent to approve or reject the request. The maximum extension limit is determined by the Departmental Regulations for DoctoralStudies.

f) Procedure forthe promotion of doctoral candidates

The Assembly of the Department awards the doctoral candidate at a public meeting of the Department. The President of the Department presents to the Assembly the minutes certifying the successful completion of the oral presentation and evaluation ofthe Doctoral Thesis, followed by the proclamation of the candidate as a Doctor of the Department. The swearing-in and conferring ceremony, which takes place in the presence of the Rector or Vice Rector of the Ionian University, as well as the type of the Doctoral Degree follows the standards of the relevant decisions of the Senate of the Ionian University. The doctoral candidate, prior to his/her appointment and designation by the Assembly of the Department, may apply for a certificate of successful completion.

g) Rights and Obligations ofDoctoral Candidates

1. The doctoral candidate shall submit a detailed written progress memorandum to the three-member advisory committee on the progress of the doctoral thesis and present the progress of the thesis orally. A copy of the progress report as well as comments on it by the supervisor or the tripartite committee and progress reports shall be placed in thecandidate's individual file.

2. A change or specialization of a title can be made after a documented recommendation of the three-member advisory committee and approval by the Departmental Assembly.

3. The doctoral candidates of the Department are required to provide auxiliary teaching work according to the needs of the first and second cycle programmes of the Department, as indicated by the supervisor, as well as any other obligation defined by the regulations for postgraduate and doctoral studies of the Department. Indicative examples are: a) teaching tutorials in undergraduate or postgraduate courses, b) supervising laboratories, c) co- supervising the preparation of projects (either coursework or theses/dissertations) by students, d) proctoring examinations during the examination periods of the first and second cycle of studies.

h) Deletion of DoctoralCandidates

A doctoral candidate may be removed from the Doctoral Studies Programme by decision of the Department Assembly following the recommendation of the three￾member advisory committee. Among the reasons for the deletion of a doctoral candidate are the following: 1) Plagiarism of ideas, methods and results or copying part of the work of other scientists without reference to them, 2) Inappropriate behavior and other misconduct inconsistent with the doctoral candidate's status, 3) Failure to pass the examination of the doctoral thesis by the seven-member examination committee, 4) Failure to respond to an academic activity assigned by the 22 department without documented justification, than those specified in these regulations, as well as in the departmental regulations, 5) Insufficient progress in the preparation of the doctoral dissertation as determined by the three-member advisory committee, g) Submission of a request for removal by the person concerned, 6) Expiration of a period of six (6) years before the final submission of the dissertation text to the three- member advisory committee.

i) Writing, support and evaluation ofthe doctoralthesis
After the completion of the writing of the doctoral thesis and the submission of the last memorandum on its progress to the three-member advisory committee, the doctoral candidate submits a request for public support. After a positive written recommendation of the three-member advisory committee that has accepted the candidate's request to the Departmental Assembly, the Assembly shall appoint by decision a seven-member examination committee for the evaluation and assessment of the doctoral thesis. The members of the seven-member examination committee shall be the members of the three-member advisory committee and four other members, as defined in Article 95, paragraph 1 of Law 4957/2022. At least four (4) out ofthe seven (7) members of the examination committee are members of the faculty of the Higher Educational Institution (H.E.I.) where the doctoral thesis is carried out.

The doctoral thesis is publicly defended by the doctoral candidate before the sevenmember committee, either in person or online, which asks the candidate questions. The examination committee then meets without the presence of third parties, judges the thesis in terms of quality, completeness, originality of thought and contribution to scholarship and, on the basis of these criteria, approves the thesis by a majority of at least five members. After the endorsement procedure, the sevenmember examination committee shall draw up a report containing the opinions of the members present on the originality and scientific contribution of the thesis and the final decision of the committee on the evaluation of the doctoral thesis. Each doctoral thesis shall be evaluated on a scale of 'good', 'very good' or 'excellent'. The seven-member examination committee may, by decision of a majority of the members present, refer the doctoral thesis for corrections or explanations for a period of up to one (1) year from the date of the examination. The final minutes of the seven-member examination committee shall be signed by all members present (whether they participated in person or by teleconference). The three- member committee checks the completeness and correctness of the final document in case of corrections. One copy of the doctoral thesis is submitted to the Library of the Ionian University (in printed and electronic form) and to the National Documentation Centre (in printed and electronic form).

Article 14 
Procedure forthe assignment of auxiliary teaching work to doctoral candidates of theH.E.I., as well as the maximum hourly rate of remuneration that can be paid exclusively from private, own and international resources of the H.E.I.

The Assembly of the Department or the competent body of the MA (Law 4957/2022, article175, par. 2) related to the subject of their research under the supervision of a faculty member of the MA after the proposal of the C.C. or the competent body of theMA in accordance with the provisions of Law 4957/2022 (article 83, paragraph 5) or as provided by the law. The selection procedure and any reciprocal scholarships must be specified in the regulations of the MA (Law 4957/2022, Article 175, paragraph 3). The maximum salary for the lecturers of a MA is set according to the "Salary Regulation for the provision of teaching work at the Ionian University" as in force at any given time.

Article 15
Withdrawal ofDoctoralDegree

A Doctoral Degree awarded may be revoked or cancelled if it is proven that the legal and departmental regulations and the conditions for its award did not exist at the time of its acquisition, in particular, but not limited to, if it is proven that all or part of the Doctoral Thesis is the product of plagiarism. The withdrawal or cancellation is made after a fully documented recommendation of the Department Assembly which is communicated to the Rector of the Foundation. Any appropriate means may be used to assess the level of plagiarism.

Updated: 16-01-2025
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