The complaints and appeals management policy is addressed to active students of the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting (DFLTI) of the Ionian University (IU) of all study cycles and aims to resolve issues such as:
• Disagreement on issues of studies and attendance
• Inappropriate behavior by members of the academic or administrative staff
• Inadequate guidance of students by members of the academic or administrative staff
Students are required to study the Regulations of each course of study, as well as all relevant regulations of the University and the Department, so that they are aware of their rights and obligations during their studies at DFLTI. During their studies, students have the right and at the same time the duty to address the Study Advisors, as they are appointed at the beginning of each academic year by the Department Assembly for the Undergraduate Study Program (BA) and for each Postgraduate Study Program (MA) of the Department, in order to advise them on the issues that concern them at an academic level. More specifically, students may submit a complaint or appeal when decisions or actions of members of the academic or administrative staff are not consistent with:
• the Department's Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies Regulations (https://dflti.ionio.gr/gr/undergraduate/studies/regulations/programme-function/), (https://dflti.ionio.gr/sot/gr/regulation/), (https://dflti.ionio.gr/polico/gr/about/regulation/)
• the Ionian University Code of Ethics (https://ionio.gr/gr/community/code-of-conduct/) and any other regulation of the Department and the Institution.
Complaint/Appeal Resolution Process
The complaint/appeal resolution process includes the following steps:
1st Stage: Contact with the Academic Advisor. Students are invited to contact the Academic Advisors in order to discuss with them the issues that concern them regarding the aforementioned decisions or actions of members of the academic or administrative staff. The duty of the Academic Advisors is to examine together with the students the resolution of the issue in question. Within the framework of their responsibilities, the Academic Advisors may also discuss the issue with other members of the Department in order to find a solution.
2nd Stage: Contact with the President and/or the Department Assembly. In case the issue has not been resolved by the Academic Advisor within 30 days, students may contact the President and the Department Assembly in writing through the Department Secretariat by completing the “Complaint/Appeal Submission Form” of the Regulation of the student complaints and appeals management mechanism. The form must briefly describe the issue. Depending on the nature and urgency of the issue, the President and/or the Department Assembly inform the students through the Secretariat within a reasonable period of time about the actions that have been taken and the decisions that have been taken regarding the issue.
3rd Stage: Resolution through the Student Ombudsman. If the issue remains unresolved within a reasonable period of time, then students may resubmit the complaint/appeal in writing to the Student Ombudsman of the Ionian University, if they believe that the issue falls within his/her responsibilities. (https://ionio.gr/gr/students/ombudsman/).