Academic Advisor Regulation
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Article 1: Role of Academic Advisors
Academic Advisors support students throughout the entire educational process. Through their educational, research and work experience, they provide support and guidance to students on issues related to the progress and successful completion of their studies, as well as on career and professional opportunities and choices.

Article 2: Allocation of Students to Academic Advisors
The Coordinating Committee of the Master’s Program and the Department Assembly supervise the operation of the institution by appointing academic advisors for the current year every September. This institution is mandatory. Academic Advisors are members of the teaching staff of the study program in which they work.

Article 3: Duties of the Academic Advisors
Academic Advisors receive students for collaboration and guidance at specific scheduled times, which are announced at the beginning of each semester. The content of the discussions is confidential and the student's personal data is protected. The Academic Advisors advise the student accordingly, without their suggestions being binding. The final responsibility for their choices in matters of study rests with the students themselves.

Article 4: Support for the work of the Academic Advisors
All faculty, as well as laboratorial and administration staff members, cooperate and support the Academic Advisors in their work, while taking into account information, observations, their suggestions and requests, for any deficiencies and malfunctions that create problems for the students and any suggestions for dealing with them.

Article 5: Change of Academic Advisor
In exceptional cases, the student may request a change of Academic Advisor by submitting a request to the Secretariat of the Master’s program, explaining the reasons for the request. The request will be submitted for consideration and decision to the relevant Coordinating Committee of the Master’s program and will then be approved by the Department Assembly.

Updated: 16-01-2025
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