Article 1. Scope
1. The Research Committee of the Ionian University draws up the present “Regulation of Principles & Operation of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee of the Ionian University”. The Regulation defines the procedure for submitting proposals for approval to the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee of Ionian University and their evaluation process by the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee Ionian University. The Amendment of this Regulation, if deemed necessary, is made after a decision of the Research Committee.
Article 2. Recommendation & Mission
1. The Ethics and Research Deontology Committee of the Ionian University is established and operates in accordance with the provisions of Law 4521/2018, articles 21-17.
2. The mission of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee is to provide, on a moral and ethical level, a guarantee of reliability of the research projects carried out at the Ionian University. The Ethics and Research Deontology Committee checks whether a research project is carried out with respect for fundamental human rights, the intrinsic value of human beings, the autonomy of the persons participating, their privacy and personal data, as well as with care for the natural, man-made, cultural and technical environment.
3. The Committee also checks the observance of the generally accepted principles of research integrity and ethics and the criteria of good scientific practice. The control of the ethics and ethics of the research is an essential guarantee of reliability and is a condition for the strengthening of trust and the acceptance of the research conducted at the Ionian University by society as a whole.
Article 3. Composition & Term
1. The Ethics and Research Deontology Committee of the Ionian University consists of five (5) or seven (7) regular members with their deputies
2. The members of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee of the Ionian University must be scientists, with expertise in research, ethics/bioethics and research ethics. At least one (1) member - and his alternate - must be qualified in ethics/bioethics. At least two (2) members - and their substitutes - must be persons outside the Ionian University. The academic subjects and/or the general research and scientific work of the members of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee must ensure, as far as possible, the representation of all the scientific subjects treated by the Ionian University.
3. The members of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee of the Ionian University are chosen by invitation expressions of interest drawn up and published by the Research Committee of the Ionian University on the website of the Ionian University to fill the positions, no later than three (3) months before the end of the term of each member. The invitation specifies the exact number of Ethics and Research Deontology Committee members and specifies the qualifications that its members must have, depending on the IP's scientific fields. The nominations and the necessary supporting documents are submitted by the interested parties electronically. The Research Committee of the Ionian University evaluates the nominations and decides on the composition of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee. According to the decision of the Research Committee, the experience of the candidates in the implementation and management of projects as Scientific Officers, the previous participation of the candidates in the respective committees of ethics, ethics, bioethics, the representation in the composition of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee of the knowledge subjects of the Schools of the Ionian University, the formation of the final composition of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee, so as to ensure the interdisciplinary approach and the global examination of the ethical and ethical issues that arise in the context of the research.
4. The Ethics and Research Deontology Committee is established by decision of the Rector of the Ionian University. The President is designated in the decision establishing the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee and the Vice-President of the Committee, as well as the alternate member of each regular member.
5. The term of office of Ethics and Research Deontology Committee members is three years and may be renewed only once (1). If any member of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee resigns, in absence or in any other way terminates his term of office, he is replaced for the remainder of his term by his alternate member.
Article 4. Responsibilities
1. It is the competence of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee to ascertain whether a specific research project to be carried out at the Ionian University does not contravene the current legislation and whether it is consistent with generally accepted rules of ethics and research ethics and research integrity in terms of content and the manner in which it is carried out. In particular, the competences of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee include:
● The examination of funded research projects in accordance with the generally accepted principles of research integrity and ethics and the criteria of good scientific practice, which include research:
(i) in humans;
(ii) in the environment, natural, man-made, cultural; and technical,
(iii) in animals, or
(iv) to material of human origin, such as genetic material, cells, tissues and personal data; The project cannot start to be implemented in the Ionian University without first receiving the relevant approval from the Commission.
● The examination, apart from the research projects of the previous case, and another research project, following a request from an interested person or a complaint.
● The opinion on ethical and ethical issues concerning an article to be published in a scientific journal, monograph, book, any scientific and artistic work, speech, lecture or bachelor's / master's thesis / doctoral thesis under preparation.
● The protection of the individual or social groups during the processing of their personal data, resulting from any relevant research.
2. The Ethics and Research Deontology Committee of the Ionian University is solely responsible for deciding whether or not any matter falls within its jurisdiction.
3. All members of the Ionian University must assist the Commission in its work.
4. The Ethics and Research Deontology Committee of the Ionian University recommends to the Research Committee of the Ionian University the suspension of a research project, if there is a violation of the legislation and the Code of Ethics and Conduct of Research of the Ionian University.
5. The Ethics and Research Deontology Committee can provide a scientific opinion-recommendation to the Research Committee of the Ionian University in matters of its competence, in case it is requested.
6. If the legislation provides for the approval or licensing of the project by another competent public agency, administrative body or independent administrative Authority, the relevant decision of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee does not replace said approval or licensing.
7. Ethics and Research Deontology Committee undertakes initiatives with the aim of training in ethical and research ethics issues addressed to the scientific staff, the administrative staff, the students and the PhD candidates of the Ionian University.
8. The decisions of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee are binding on the Ionian University.
Article 5. Operation of Ethics and Research Deontology Committee
1. The Ethics and Research Deontology Committee of the Ionian University meets regularly once (1) a month and on an extraordinary basis whenever this is requested by its President or the President of the Research Committee of the Ionian University.
2. The President of Ethics and Research Deontology Committee is responsible for the smooth operation of the Committee and convenes and directs its meetings. The Vice-President performs the duties of the President in case of his/her incapacity. He/she may also be asked by the President to perform additional duties, such as overseeing part of the agenda.
3. The Ethics and Research Deontology Committee has a quorum when three (3) are present at least its members, if it has five members, or at least four (4) members, if it has seven members, including its President or Vice-President, as well as one (1) of its members who do not belong to the Ionian University and decides by a majority of the members present.
4. In the event of an impediment to the participation of a regular member of the Committee, the alternate member must be notified by the Secretariat.
5. The meetings of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee may also be held remotely by electronic means.
6. Members receive an invitation and all relevant documents for discussion before the meeting. The agenda items are mentioned in the invitation, as determined by the President. An item off the agenda may be discussed if all present members agree.
7. Ethics and Research Deontology Committee members are not entitled to remuneration or other compensation for their participation in its meetings.
8. The Ethics and Research Deontology Committee is supported by the Quality Assurance Unit of the Research Committee of the Ionian University.
9. In order to facilitate its work, the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee can cooperate with the National Bioethics Committee and any other competent authority on issues related to its competences.
Article 6. Incompatibilities
The status of a member of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee is incompatible with the qualities of the Rector, the Vice-Rector and the Dean, as well as a member of the Research Committee or President of a Department of the Ionian University.
Article 7. Submission of Research Projects
1. The research project proposal, which is submitted for approval by the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee of the Ionian University, must include:
(i) application to Ethics and Research Deontology Committee,
(ii) questionnaire for approval by Ethics and Research Deontology Committee,
(iii) research methodology/research protocol (if provided),
(iv) suitably configured for its purposes research consent form (if provided),
(v) other approvals from competent authorities (if required).
2. The application and accompanying documents are submitted by the scientific manager of the project:
● electronically through the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee website, either
● electronically to the address, or
● in person at the offices of his Research Committee of the Ionian University, at the secretariat of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee.
3. If it is a bachelor's / master's thesis or doctoral thesis, the application is submitted by the supervising Professor.
4. The secretary of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee checks whether the submitted application is complete. In case it is incomplete, the appropriate recommendation is made to the applicant, so that the required improvements can be made. In order for a protocol number to be assigned to the application, it must be complete.
5. The President of Ethics and Research Deontology Committee appoints a rapporteur for each application that is submitted, in priority to a member of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee, depending on the scientific subject of the research project. If the subject matter of the project cannot be covered by the members of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee, an external expert is appointed, who gives an opinion.
6. The members of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee, as soon as they become aware of the research proposal, must inform the President and the Secretary, if there is a case of conflict of interest, which prevents their participation in its evaluation.
Article 8. Decision Making Procedure
1. The rapporteur sends his/her proposal, which must contain an assessment of whether the project in question is consistent with the accepted fundamental principles of ethics and research ethics and with the relevant international, European and national legislation.
2. The possibilities of the proposal are:
● The proposal complies with the principles of research ethics and ethics and with the relevant legislation, so it is approved.
● The proposal raises ethical/ethical issues, so recommendations are made to revise the research proposal.
● Further clarifications are required.
3. The Ethics and Research Deontology Committee decides within a period of time that cannot exceed fifteen (15) days from the submission of the application and all the necessary accompanying documents. If the period of fifteen (15) days passes, without the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee taking a decision on the request, the request is considered approved.
4. In the event that the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee deems it necessary, it may invite the responsible researcher to present the research protocol or provide clarifications.
5. The decision of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee is taken by a majority of the members present. In case of a tie, the President's vote prevails. The vote is clear.
6. The decision of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee must include:
(i) the title of the research proposal or thesis / master thesis / doctoral thesis,
(ii) the scientific person in charge of the research project or the supervising Professor,
(iii) the date of the decision;
(iv) the protocol number,
(v) justification of the decision,
(vi) the rapporteur and
(vii) in the case of obligations, such as the submission of periodicals or one-off reports, their enumeration.
7. The decision of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee is made known to the applicant within three (3) working days from the day of receipt. The decisions of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee are binding on the researchers and the Ionian University.
8. In the event of a complaint about a research project, Ethics and Research Deontology Committee decides at the latest within fifteen (15) days from the submission of the complaint. If a decision is not issued within this period, the complaint is deemed to have been rejected. If the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee considers that the complaint is well-founded, it informs the Investigation Committee of the Ionian University.
Article 9. Submitting a request for revision
Any interested party may file, before the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee, within ten (10) days from the issuance of the decision, a revision request against its recommendations. Commission by submitting new data. For the consideration of the revision request, the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee requests the opinion of the National Bioethics Committee, which must formulate it within fifteen (15) days. If the National Bioethics Committee does not issue an opinion within the above deadline, the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee proceeds with examining the revision request without the opinion of the National Bioethics Committee.
Article 10. Conflict of Interest
A member of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee is prevented from participating in the meeting in any case in which a conflict of interest may arise. A conflict of interest arises when a member of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee has an interest that may affect or appears to affect the impartial and objective performance of his duties. This means any possible advantage in favor of oneself or one's spouse or a first degree relative. In the event of such an obstacle regarding a specific proposal under evaluation, the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee member immediately informs the President, who arranges for his/her replacement by the substitute member. The member in question leaves the meeting before the start of the debate.
Article 11. Obligation of Confidentiality
The members of the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee have an obligation to observe absolute confidentiality regarding any confidential or confidential information or personal data that are handled or processed or comes to their knowledge during the exercise of their duties or on the occasion of them and taking the appropriate measures for the protection and security of this information. The obligation also falls on any external expert or rapporteur invited to provide an opinion/recommendation regarding a specific research proposal, the Secretary of the Committee as well as any other involved member who carries out supporting work. The disclosure in any way and the use for personal benefit or for the benefit of third parties of confidential or confidential information or personal data that are accessible to the above persons due to their duties or on the occasion thereof is not permitted.
Article 12. Record keeping - Secretariat
1. Ethics and Research Deontology Committee is obliged to keep an electronic file with the following documents:
(i) The incoming and outgoing protocol correspondence.
(ii) The biographies of its members Commission.
(iii) Minutes of meetings and agendas.
(iv) The applications submitted for approval and the corresponding reasoned decisions.
(in) The approved research protocols and accompanying documents.
(vi) Copies of correspondence between the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee and the researchers.
2. The collection, processing and storage of personal data is carried out in accordance with the applicable legislation on the protection of individuals from the processing of their personal data, with an emphasis on the security principles of personal data processing and storage systems data and in compliance with approved policies and instructions issued by the Ionian University.
3. The storage conditions must guarantee the protection of privacy. Members of the secretariat must keep and treat as confidential all information and documents related to requests referred to it, and not disclose the information or documents to third parties.
Article 13. Basic Principles of Research Ethics & Ethics
1. Research is conducted to advance scientific knowledge. The way it is conducted must be governed by timeless principles, such as respect for scientific truth, academic freedom, the value of man, the natural and cultural environment, human dignity, intellectual property and personal data.
2. Research must be conducted freely, unhindered and without dependencies or expediencies. Research independence is an individual right of researchers, as well as a public good at the service of society.
Article 14. Survey Terms & Conditions
During the research process the researchers of the Ionian University must:
● They have received from the competent bodies the required permits to carry out the specific research, without this replacing the obligation to submit an official request for approval of the research program by the Ethics and Research Deontology Committee of the Ionian University, where required.
● They comply with the applicable national, European and international legislation, all the basic principles of ethics and ethics and the most specific rules of their sector.
● They publish the funding sources of their research activity and do not accept terms that compromise research freedom and autonomy.
● They ensure the interests of society as a whole, as scientific research does not negate the need to respect fundamental human rights and freedoms.
● They respect the rights of their partners, without any form of direct or indirect discrimination, which is due to racial, ethnic and cultural characteristics, language, gender and sexual orientation, religious, political and philosophical beliefs, private life, health and physical fitness, as well as economic or social status.
● They respect the rights and freedoms of the persons they work with, rejecting any form of deception or coercion. Corresponding respect must be shown to the natural and cultural environment.