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Science of Translation | All news
Online Translating Europe Workshop "AI Τranslation vs Ηuman Τranslation: Τraining Perspectives and the Impact on the Translation Profession"
Posted: 17-09-2024 19:16 | Views: 3577
The Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting (DFLTI) at the Ionian University in Greece and the European Commission co-organise an online Translating Europe Workshop (TEW) on Tuesday, October 8 2024 under the title "AI Τranslation vs Ηuman Τranslation: Τraining Perspectives and the Impact on the Translation Profession".
Memorandum of Cooperation between DFLTI and the Educational Centre of the Embassy of Iran
Posted: 09-02-2022 15:33 | Views: 5311
DFLTI and the Educational Centre of the Embassy of Iran have signed a memorandum of scientific and cultural cooperation.
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