Translation Project Management

Teachers: Sosoni Vilelmini
Code: SOT221
Category: Skills Development
Type: Elective
Level: Postgraduate
Language: Greek
Delivery Method: Lectures
Semester: 2nd
ECTS: 10
Teaching Units: 10
Teaching Hours: 3
Short Description:

The aim of the programme is to familiarise students with the management of translation projects both in a translation company environment (LSP) and when working as a freelance translator. 
Students will learn the basic principles of translation project management, methods of communication in a hybrid environment (onsite & telecommuting), rules of communication with translators/editors and clients for the purposes of a project. They will learn the usefulness of translation project management tools (platforms + TMS software). 
The aim is to teach students how to optimally evaluate, analyze, monitor, execute a translation project. At the same time, learners will be introduced to the concept of risk analysis and risk management and forecasting, as well as the quality control practices carried out by the project manager. The programme has been designed and is taught by the translation company EL-Translations. 
The training is delivered remotely as a blended learning course combining synchronous (live eClass) and asynchronous training (eLearning material for self-study).
Students are required to study the material and complete exercises and assignments within the eLearning Moodle of EL-Translations.

Objectives - Learning Results:

Students learn the basic principles of managing collaborative groups and subgroups, of communicating effectively with clients and freelance translators/ proofreaders, of using project management tools and software, of optimally monitoring, completing and delivering translation projects. At the same time, students are introduced to risk analysis and management and best editing, post-editing and QA practices. The module is delivered in collaboration with EL-Translations, a major Athens-based Translation Company and the students are required to work on a real translation project.


TPM01. The Translation Project Manager profile
Presentation / programme description (exams, methodology)
Introduction to concepts and basic terminology
Tasks and skills of the project manager

TPM02. The translation project life cycle
Translation projects
Examples of projects
Translation project contract
Step 0 - Quote
Step 1 - Preparation - planning
Step 2 - Translation
Stage 3 - Revision
Stage 4 - Quality control
Stage 5 - Delivery
Stage 6 - Feedback
After sales

TPM03. Tools & Software for Project Managers (Part 1)
Using CAT tools
Use of checklists
Use of templates
Introduction to TPMS: Plunet & Phrase

TPM04. Tools & Software for Project Managers (Part 2)
Using CAT tools
Using checklists
Using templates
Introduction to TPMS: Plunet & Phrase

TMP05. Use of Trados Studio in project management
Trados Studio management functions
How we manage files and resources
How to ensure profitability (pre-processing and text analysis)
Managing finances

TPM06. Use of Phrase in Project Management
Phrase management functions
How we manage files and resources
How we ensure profitability (pre-processing and text analysis)

TPM07. Client and translator management
Creating automated assignments & tenders
Calculating project profitability
Improving business profitability
Negotiating with clients and translators
Drafting effective instructions

TPM08. Introduction to Plunet
Plunet management functions
Assignments to translators
Project delivery
Issuing invoices

TPM09. Quality assurance (QA) processes and tools
QA methods, procedures, good practices
QA tools
Evaluation of translators and editors
ISO 17100:2015 standard
Quality problem management
Terminology management
Project assignment

TPM10 Scenario analysis
Exercises through scenarios
Translation project analysis
Customer communication management
Anticipating issue handling
Web-software translation
Feedback management

TPM11 Crisis scenario analysis
Analysis of causes leading to failure
Examples of real disaster scenarios
Identifying sources of problems
Adoption of prevention and forecasting procedures

TPM12 Time management
Organisation without PM systems
Useful tools and applications
Communication: tools and skills
How we take criticism
How to handle customer complaints

TPM13 Professional ethics
What is professional ethics?
Why does it concern us?

Recommended Bibliography:

Dunne, K. J. & Dunne, E. S. (eds.) (2011) Translation and localization project management: The art of the possible. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/ata.xvi.

Koo, S. L. & Kinds, H. (2000) “A Quality Assurance Model for Language Projects”. In R.C. Sprung (ed) Translating into Success: Cutting-edge strategies for going multilingual in a global age. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Matis, N. (2011) "Quality Assurance in the translation workflow – A professional’s testimony". In I. Depraetere (ed) (2011) Perspectives on Translation Quality. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 147-159.

Matis, N. (2010) "Terminology management during translation projects: Professional testimony", Linguaculture, 1/2010.

Matis, N. (2008) "Translation project management - remote exercise". In D. Rodica and K. H. Freigang (eds.) Translation Technology in Translation Classes. Iaşi: Institutul European, pp. 67-102.

Matis, N. (2005) "La gestion de projets de traduction et sa place dans la formation de traducteurs", Équivalences, 32/1 La traduction à l'heure de la localisation HEB, Haute École de Bruxelles, 47-62.

Russi, D. & Schneider, R. (2016) A Guide to Translation Project Management. Published by the COMET® Program with support from NOAA’s National Weather Service International Activities Office and the Meteorological Service of Canada. Available from (last accessed 18/02/2020).

Useful websites

Teaching and Learning Methods:

Online teaching and practice (Zoom/Teams) + asynchronous training on Moodle.

ICT Usage:

Online teaching and practice (Zoom/Teams) + asynchronous training on Moodle.
Use of Plunet project management systme as well as the CAT tools Trados Studio and Phrase.

Grading and Evaluation Methods:

Weekly quizzes and a final exam on Moodle.

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