Translating Europe Workshop (TEW) ©2024

The event will take place on 8 October 2024 and is chaired by Leonidas Kourmadas from the European Commission and Vilelmini Sosoni from the Ionian University.

All listed timestamps are Central European Time (CET).

  • 14:00

    Welcome & Intro

    1. Leonidas Kourmadas
      Field Officer, Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission
    2. Professor Andreas Floros
      Rector, Ionian University
    3. Associate Professor Maria Tsigou
      Head, DFLTI, Ionian University
    4. Associate Professor Vilelmini Sosoni
      Deputy Head, DFLTI, Ionian University
  • 14:10

    Translator Education in the Age of AI: Educating Translators for Today...and Tomorrow

    1. Lynne Bowker
      Full Professor and Canada Research Chair in Translation, Technologies and Society at Université Laval in Canada
  • 15:00

    A triple bottom line for translation technology

    1. Joss Moorkens
      Associate Professor at the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies at Dublin City University (DCU)
  • 15:50

    GenAI Impact on MT Workflows and the Role of Translators

    1. Helena Moniz
      President of the European Association for Machine Translation, President of the International Association for Machine Translation, Assistant Professor at the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Lisbon
  • 16:40

    Multilingual tools and AI – DGT on the cutting edge

    1. Marcus Foti
      Head of Sector, Responsible for IT projects in the language technology field, Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission
  • 17:30

    Creativity and technology in translation

    1. Ana Guerberof-Arenas
      Associate Professor at University of Groningen
  • 18:20


Updated: 25-09-2024
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