This course introduces students to the principles of intercultural communication. More specifically, it focuses on the notions of culture and civilization. Conceptualization and analysis are carried out on various levels (e.g., national, local, organizational). Several cultural dimensions are discussed (e.g., Hofstede, Hall, Trompenaars, Lewis, etc.). The course also focuses on
the characteristics of verbal and non-verbal communication in culturally and linguistically diverse environments. Factors that influence intercultural communication are addressed. The reasons why cultural stereotypes and biases are created are discussed. Finally, much emphasis is placed on how one can cultivate his/her intercultural awareness and overall communication skills.
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
Week 1: Course Overview, Introduction to the notions of Culture & Civilization
Week 2: Introduction to Intercultural Communication
Week 3: Cultural Dimensions
Week 4: Case Studies, Principles of Oral Presentations and Academic Writing
Week 5: Verbal and Non-verbal Communication in multicultural settings
Week 6: Oral Presentations-Reflection
Week 7: Oral Presentations-Reflection
Week 8: Stereotypes, Perceptions, Cultural Shock
Week 9: Developing effective intercultural communication competence
Week 10: Intercultural sensitivity
Week 11: Intercultural challenges in relationships, at work, in society
Week 12: Selected topics: Intercultural communication and current affairs
Week 13: Course review and critical evaluation
Liu, S., Volcιc, Z., Gallois, C. (2018). Εισαγωγή στη Διαπολιτισμική Επικοινωνία: Παγκόσμιοι πολιτισμοί και πλαίσια. Αθήνα: Gutenberg (Επιμελήτρια: Ευγενία Αρβανίτη, Μεταφραστής: Αδριανός Φριλίγγος) (ISBN 9789600119695).
Karras, I. (2020). The Culture and Communication Interface. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Δίαυλος (ISBN 9789605314521).
Selected Articles
Face-to-face, Distance learning (synchronous and asynchronous).
Use of ICT in teaching and communicating with the students.
Group Assignment-Oral Presentation: 50%
Individual Assignment-Written Essay: 50%
There are specifically-defined evaluation criteria given and are accessible to students on open e-class along with the rubrics of their assignment.
Chr. Tsirigoti Sq.
Galenus Building (1st Floor)
GR-49132 Corfu
Tel.: +30 26610 87224