Memorandum of Cooperation between DFLTI and the Educational Centre of the Embassy of Iran
Posted: 09-02-2022 15:33 | Views: 5459
DFLTI and the Educational Centre of the Embassy of Iran have signed a memorandum of scientific and cultural cooperation.
Gilles Kepel visited Ionian University
Posted: 16-06-2021 09:32 | Views: 6188
The prominent French Professor, Political Scientist and Arabologist, Gilles Kepel, paid a visit to the Rector of Ionian University, Professor Andreas Floros with the aim of coming closer to the activities of our University.
Studium Generale - Lecture: T. Mourtzanos "The Language of the Chuch"
Posted: 28-02-2020 12:44 | Views: 1244
Important Date: 28-02-2020
On 25 February 2020, Themistocles Mourtzanos' (church minister) lecture on “The Language of the Church” constituted an important event organised by POLICO.
Lecture: K. Kolessis, "The Language of Prison"
Posted: 13-02-2020 12:32 | Views: 1150
Important Date: 13-02-2020
On 11 February 2020, Kyriakos Kolessis (Head of the School for Second-chance Education at the Corfu Prison facility) presented an interesting and unique lecture on “The Language of Prison”. The originality of the speech content triggered a truly fruitful dialogue with the audience that included also undergraduate students and non-students.



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